Reviews for A Cup of Cambric Tea
Guest chapter 3 . 4/7
flight9 chapter 3 . 2/25/2017
Interesting story!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/5/2014
Nice story, but the wording is too formal. They are brothers and sisters, not 2 strangers.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/5/2014
Nice story, but the speech is too formal. They are brother and sister, not 2 strangers.
rosebudmelissa chapter 3 . 8/24/2012
Such a sweet, fluffy story. I've always loved Naria's courtly language and am always glad when authors include it. You've really done a great job writing the Pevensie's here, they are very much themselves. The Pride and Joy made me laugh. I'd love to see a story about it's installation.
LadyoftheShield chapter 3 . 6/13/2010
good job!I think you got the speech done just right!
lovesFanFic chapter 3 . 6/1/2010
Very fun story. You pull off the formal dialogue elegantly. Thanks for the romp!
Keketra chapter 3 . 10/2/2009
After finding your most recently written story by pure chance, I immediately searched out for more of your work, and found another beautifully written piece. You capture the Narnian eloquence utterly, along with the sibling affection each of the Pevensie's share. Your writing is simply devine and well written (though you are most likely well aware of that), and I congratulate you on yet another finely written piece. Bravo, and I hope we can expect many more.
LunaNigra chapter 3 . 2/2/2009
It's beautiful...

Loved it!

JezRoll chapter 3 . 8/3/2008
I have once again found myself glued to the computer screen at an ungodly hour. But I know that I will not in the least regret it. Another beautifully written piece! I think that your dialog was indeed most excelent and really captures the shift from the beginning of LLW and the later versions of the children seen in LWW and THHB. Court bred formality married to familial comfort.

Having read For Ever Kneel'd prior to this one, I must say I really did enjoy getting to peek into the siblings' comradere and their unique personalities as the y help each other through difficulty.

I look forward to reading more of you work

wildfire41 chapter 3 . 7/9/2008
Lovely! Hope you write more fics like this one!
QuietD chapter 3 . 5/28/2008
*sighs in contentment*

What a beautiful piece!

I really like it when instead of Peter taking care of everyone, it's him who's taken care of! )
elizabeth-town chapter 3 . 5/20/2008
The biggest reason I enjoyed this piece was the obvious connection between the Pevensie siblings. Too often this is lost in the rush of Mary-Sues:] You got each characters down to a T, though I would have liked to see Susan as being more compassionate towards her injured brother since she is the 'gentle' one.

I also GREATLY enjoyed the speech-this is a part of canon almost never used-which brought the Pevensies to life for me even more.

This is the only thing of yours that I have read, but after I submit this review I am going back to read more!
LittleOtter chapter 1 . 10/10/2007
Aww! I'm a sucker for fluffiness, and this is a brilliant example of the genre. Well done! I don't even know where to start reviewing...hmm...

Well, I love what you've done with the language. It's very high and Arthurian-sounding, while still being something that I can easily see the Pevensies exchanging in informal conversation. It's got that court accent, but that only serves to make their jokes and banter more entertaining.

I loved the hook-halfway exchange - awesome tip-of-the-hat to Lewis. It made me laugh.

The relationship between Peter and Edmund was perfect! Edmund's initial response to his brother's plight was very in-character, and the witty jabs afterwards were very much a younger-brother thing to do. It's just like Edmund to realize that Peter is getting tired of being coddled (even though he did need it) and try to lighten the tension by teasing him. I personally don't understand this phenomena, but I've seen my brother and other male friends go through the routine more often than I can count. Guys are weird. *shakes head*

I liked the role you put each of the siblings into - Lucy being the first to jump to assistance, Edmund stepping in to help, and Susan taking over the mother's role. And Palomnus as a catalyst was very realistic - I love him already. The conversation about England was excellent, and Peter being the one to take charge was perfect.

I have to say it - lemon with milk? Wouldn't that...sour the milk? *wrinkles nose* Ah well. To each his own. :)

My favorite part - playing hide-and-seek in the castle. 'Cause what little kid DOESN'T want an entire castle to run around it? Lovely sibling moment.


Thanks for a great read!
floppyearsthebunny chapter 3 . 8/27/2007
Perfect, I have just read "For Ever Kneel'd." This is a smiply brilliant companion. Through, it does work well by it's self. I must say "For Ever Kneel'd" is a fantastic adventure. Where did you com up with the name? I can't belive I didn't read it sooner. You are such a talented writer. God bless.
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