Reviews for Fighting the Gods
Guest chapter 38 . 6/9
Sad that it has not updated I enjoyed this so much.
Guest chapter 15 . 3/28
go to google images and type in stargate Atlantis weapon platform you will find it there
Genesisroyal chapter 38 . 3/2
I remember reading this back when you were still updating it. Sad that it’s been left aside for so long. It was gearing up so well, too.
Fizzfaldt chapter 9 . 12/28/2019
Yours would take decades, if not longer.
Milky Way Diameter: 105,700 light years
Sure.. if you meant 10,000 decades.
WithinTheMadness chapter 38 . 12/20/2019
I'm not liking the odds of an update occurring, judging by the rest of your page.
Unfortunate. It's a pretty good story.

My biggest, and really only, complaints surround the timeline: A lot of your canon timelines are wayyy off. E.g. Destiny set out less than a million years prior to canon.
As has been your continuity as a result.
Canon, for both, would've put HP at 15/16 when Stargate (1994) takes place in 1996. SG1 kicks off a year later.
In chapter 2 you stated that HP was 7 yrs, months before Stargate takes place. That would put his birthday in 1988/89. In Ch 34 you state he's born in 1980 as per HP canon.

Him being a child for a lot of difficult events has merit. Him being one to screw with the SGC has merit. But you ruined your own timeline and continuity to do so.

I'd offer criticism and suggest alternatives utilizing your timeline, but short of this being rewritten, they're pointless.

It is a good story, and I understand it's FanFiction, but contradicting yourself confuses us readers.

One day I hope you return to this story. The galaxy you've built is fantastic.
Until then, many blessings upon you.
kirosyamcha chapter 37 . 6/20/2019
Is it just me misremembering or are your dates off from canon Stargate by a few million years occasionally?
kirosyamcha chapter 30 . 6/19/2019
I don’t understand what really happened, he had a stunner ready to “turn people off” but then he shoots a lethal weapons instead?
kirosyamcha chapter 22 . 6/18/2019
did we ever get to the ancient ancient in the arctic ice?
kirosyamcha chapter 11 . 6/18/2019
they could have been loyal to him :p but good chap!
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 38 . 4/21/2019
I really love this story. It's one of the best crossovers. Please update again. Cant wait for the next chapter.
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 31 . 3/22/2019
the last part sounded like a start to a very bad incest-ic gay relationship... but thats just me. love the astari but harry gotta get another ship like the constellation as a backup.
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 28 . 3/21/2019
NOOO! MY BABY! Why did you HAVE to destroy his ship... I loved that ship. Now he only has a small ship for everything since the big one is not complete...
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 22 . 3/21/2019
Wait you said that it was 10 times the size of the constellation so wouldn't it be longer than 4 miles. And wouldn't it have been cooler if the constellation could dock inside the new bigger ship. Hmm and description was a bit confusing. I srsly cannot imagine what it looks like without thinking of food tins and salmon cans! It would have been cooler if it looked like the super star destroyer from SW or something. A ship that we can search for on the net for an image would have been better. I am imagining that the constellation looks like thor's ship...
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 38 . 2/3/2019
A great story here so far!
TashaLee2476 chapter 38 . 1/27/2019
I hope you write more of this soon. If you do decide to make pairings have Harry/Kel be with a male and if you decide to bring in SG Atlantis or Universe then Have kel/Harry pair up with John Shepard. Keep up the great stories.
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