Reviews for To whom I owe my happiness
Nina chapter 1 . 11/6/2013
I was just looking through my old harddrive from way back when, and I had to see what my bookmarks contained of back then; one thing led to another and suddenly I was reading QaF fanfiction again, and I'm so happy right now. Many of my links were useless now, with the web page gone. But this was one of my favorite short ones and I gotta tell you it still is. So glad to be reading this again, thank you for writing this. This is almost exactly as I pictured how it would play out post-513, at least in a perfect word3 Take care! Hugs from Nina
lougenessis chapter 1 . 9/19/2008
How about, loved it!
Faramirlover chapter 1 . 10/23/2007
Oh I love it. It was great. Lovely in character exploration of brian's feelings. it was great. :D
NonyMouse chapter 1 . 10/6/2007
That was so wonderfully perfect. I could hear Brian's voice as I read, which doesn't happen with most fics. And Justin's little jab near the end was so adorably Justin. This is the happy ending that they deserved, and I can see it having happened if only the series hadn't ended. It was good enough that so far as I'm concerned, it has now become cannon. :]

SequoiaUnderwood chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
This makes me very least thinking it all turns out all right...the finale nearly destroyed me! when Justin was gone in the morning and the dancing in what remained of the Babylon! damn that was sad...anywho...excellent fluffly wrap up of what they really should have ended it with!
Nightmocha chapter 1 . 3/13/2007
It's so nice to be inside Brian's head while he lays there, holding his Sunshine, reflecting on their lives. Beautifully written.
KedvranoxonLJ chapter 1 . 2/23/2007
This is actually one of the best QAF fictions I've read so far. Its well written, and Brian is Brian... not some bleeding heart as he is protrayed in other fics. I also like it because its what I imagine justin and brian would have become. All in all a good read. : ) Oh, and btw. i love this quote "Maybe that jump from Asshole to Romeo was too big without much of a transition period" I can so *hear* Brian saying something like that. Good job.
Laura chapter 1 . 1/8/2007
Love it! And love Brian. And Justin. I'd marry both of them, and make babies (roughly) to both of them, and then tie them both to my bed. x)_

Now seriously: the fic rocks. It's more or less the ending most of us imagine, and you write pretty well, which adds tons of bonus points. Congratulations and thanks for writing this (: .
luvluv chapter 1 . 1/1/2007
To be honest, I've hardly ever read any QAF's fics (loved the series) but if I had to have the perfect ending to the series finale, this would be the one. Totally awesome...loved it.
StolenDestiny chapter 1 . 12/6/2006
Absoulutely fabulous.
stranger12 chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
SO cute. But Brian was very... Brian.
zackandcodyfan25 chapter 1 . 11/7/2006
That was THE BEST Brian and Justin story I have read yet!

PERFECT!Can't wait to read more of your stories!
bird girl chapter 1 . 11/7/2006
amazing! probably the best end for queer as folk i've ever read... brian and justin in the big apple... congratulations, its great! )
Crimson Angel Winges chapter 1 . 11/7/2006
I like it. It's sweet but not to sappy! LATER DAYZ!