Reviews for Four Loves
Brynnie-Chan124 chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
(purring) God, I love Muraki. I haven't read all of the manga yet, so I didn't understand a few things, but I liked reading this. It's strange to know that a guy as twisted as Muraki can really have emotions like that. Interpreting his feelings sounds like fun, in a weird way. (And yes, maybe I'm just saying that out of Muraki fangirlism, but it's true.) Nice work and great writing!

Ani-BEE chapter 1 . 1/14/2007
You managed to creep out their with the Oriya story. I actually pulled back from the monitor and shuddered when Muraki took a trophy from Hisoka. I could see him doing it but I hadn’t thought about it myself.
Veleda chapter 1 . 1/11/2007
I liked this. Quite insightful. I especially liked the Tszuki and Hisoka parts, possibly because they felt the most emotive to me. I also liked the way you ended the Oriya bit. The idea of Muraki not really understanding Oriya is very interesting.
ViolentRoses chapter 1 . 1/7/2007
wonderful! you discribe Muraki greatly in this. His emotions for each person. I would love to read more stories from you.
silenceinlight chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
Oriya and Muraki! Yay! I must say I love the first three stories, though I obviously favor Muraki's thoughts on Oriya. His thoughts on Hisoka were also excellent. I think you've captured him extremely well and I can't wait to see the fic you've alluded to.
Kaouri18 chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
I really liked this story. The different views that Muraki has are very well depicted in this story. The one of Hisoka was my favorite. Great job!
TurboFerret chapter 1 . 1/6/2007
This was enjoyable, it showed other emotions except lust and revenge in Muraki, yes and no, because this is thoroughly laced with passion of other kind. Quite poetic, Id love to read more from You