Reviews for Segments of Time
Vivaan chapter 1 . 6/12/2018
I don't know what to say... This was good!
SarcasticGal68 chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
Damn. This is a beautiful piece of work.
Seriously, I really must compliment it. It's kept in character and sort of flows. i couldn't stop reading.
Jellybean06 chapter 1 . 7/22/2010 a masterpiece. It's one of those stories that stays with you for a while, the words recycling through your head. I know, because as I started reading, I realized how familiar it seemed, because I'd read it years ago, but somehow never reviewed.

Each one of your scenes capture a different sort of feeling, a deeper meaning, even though they seem so simple. I loved how you started each one with some sort of a reference to time. It seemed really fitting, somehow, counting down until Naruto finally honors that promise.

That last scene, of course, was my favorite. Such relief. And happiness :)

Thank you for sharing.
xxguesswhoxx chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
yayz _ happy ending
Takayu chapter 1 . 11/3/2008
Aw. I'm in love. I like the 'time' theme too.
andhearts chapter 1 . 11/3/2007
Wow. I love it. I almost cried. Sad... kinda... well... yeah. It's sad. lol. :D This was wonderful. *thumbs up*
Loubhin chapter 1 . 9/1/2007
I love it!
XxBookScarxX chapter 1 . 8/20/2007
That was lovely, I like the last line most, I've always thought home was not a place. The writing is skillful and you keep a plot even though it is disjointed. Nice work.
turquoisewaters chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
i was reading some of your other works as well, and I have to say, your writing style is so deliciously subtle and packed with meaning. You are an amazing author, and I think your stories deserve more reviews, most definitely, so here's one more!
llivla chapter 1 . 5/19/2007
thank you for posting-this is how it should be ;)
aquadulcis chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
The ending came a little abruptly for my tastes but the characterisation was superb. I like seeing a little grit in Naruto because he's had so much pain to deal with. I really loved your approach to his relationship with Sakura.
menolly1019 chapter 1 . 1/29/2007
Hm. The title really fits, doesn't it? A really nice simple way of summing up a really very long story. Good job. Happy Writing.
Smoking Panda chapter 1 . 1/25/2007
Beautifully written. Love it! -
undrieverdinand83 chapter 1 . 1/12/2007
Wow, this was a really good read! I loved how every part had such a different 'feel', if that makes any sense. I hope you'll get back into writing sometime soon, since it would suck to lose one of the few good writers on ffnet ;_;

Thanks for writing and posting!
Fields of View chapter 1 . 1/8/2007
oh gosh, that was a sweet, sweet one-shot, the angst, the tone of voice.. the ICness - omg I loved it!

I really enjoyed the tone of voice, the way Naruto sort of looks at everything in a slightly detached kind of way.. it's just exactly how I pictured Naruto would see it, how Naruto would think and act. Every segment of time is short but precise and full of emotion and power, every ending sentence catches my breath and leaves behind these strong feelings- that's an absolutely incredible accomplishment for a fic, you really captured that.. sadness and the.. inner strength (and yet with a somewhat fragile heart)that is Naruto

Naruto really came alive in this shot, and Sasuke in this fic is again IC.. coming back to talk to Naruto for Itachi, well, makes absolute sense

but yeah, took my breath away, this piece.. I really LOVE you as a writer, hope everything will go well (yeah I know the feeling of plateau stage.. I am in it orz used to write lots of sasunaru fics in chinese but now has come to a complete full stop.. no pressure but just want to let you know that I support you all the way! )
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