Reviews for Chibi Drabbles
MilesTailsPrower-007 chapter 32 . 9/16/2009
#32 was my favorite. Hahaha! Poor Winry. She was just telling it like it was. I really like how well you paint the picture of the brothers, though. Making their lives seem so normal is such a sweet and yet terrible contrast to what their lives later become. Their being oblivious makes it so much worse, too.

The last line of this one was really nice!
Kibetha chapter 32 . 8/12/2009
Oh these are so adorable! And so beautiful in their simplicity. You're a god, you really are.

._. Tears in my eyes from squealing so much. Dammit, why did they ever have to grow up? I think these little drabbles have made me realise yet again how cruel the end of innocence was for those poor kids. Thankyouthankyouthankyou, this is so gorgeous! 3
DaRkNeSs4IcHi chapter 2 . 6/21/2009
EW! that is gross! hahaha LOL
bubblygoo chapter 29 . 6/15/2009
I'm sorry I haven't reviewed in a long time. It gives the impression that I'm not reading anymore, when really I'm enjoying every chapter. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful glimpses into FMA's childhood years.
Legendary Chimera chapter 29 . 6/15/2009
"Al ruffles up. "You do and I'll pound you!"" OMG that's the funniest line ever. Al is priceless.
Ink.Incorporated chapter 28 . 6/7/2009
Aha, an excellent author! I knew there must have been one somewhere around here.

These drabbles are great, the characters are completely accurate and well-developed. These stories actually seem like side-extensions to the real plot, unlike most fanfics. Both light and deep at the same time, this collection was very enjoyable to read, and I hope you update soon!
Vi-Violence chapter 28 . 5/29/2009
nice, please update soon
MilesTailsPrower-007 chapter 28 . 3/10/2009
Oh, I really like how the gossip was inserted into the rest of the narrative. Very good idea! You have a nice grip on Al, too. Everyone always makes him so gooshy. D:
treeflamingo chapter 27 . 3/8/2009
There is not a single one of these that could use even the slightest of improvements. They are perfect and complete, each and every one of them. Bravo.
Citycept chapter 27 . 1/29/2009
Sweet, sweet justice. HeHe. Those kids are the cutest little things. I could just eat them up.
Legendary Chimera chapter 27 . 1/1/2009
My first fic of the new year, and it really made me giggle. Yay for poetic justice. Hope you had a great holiday season.
Syolen chapter 27 . 1/1/2009
Hehe, this one made me giggle. :)

Oh, and happy new year!
MilesTailsPrower-007 chapter 26 . 6/27/2008
Edward Elric does not admit to fear! X'D

Anyway, cute idea. I like the way their hometown is portrayed as distinctly unexciting to them from that angle. Neat that you used real research for the whole swing dealie. O:
MilesTailsPrower-007 chapter 25 . 4/22/2008
Ooh, ouch...

That was sort of bitter-sweet. I like the whole new layer you've added to my mental image of the tree. The image of the petals flying down in a storm of white is so pretty! The way you move ahead in the timeline so much at the end was a nice addition, too.
bubblygoo chapter 25 . 4/21/2008
Ed seems to have a vengeful streak.
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