Reviews for Perfectly Entitled
j0k3 chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
I love this!

page 175 was a great random number :P
CSI3Lyra chapter 1 . 5/24/2008

Very funny. I hope I have that much sugar to eat next Valentines' Day.
greysanatomyrox chapter 1 . 7/8/2007
this was a great example of why greys anatomy is awesome: because the men on the show are not only gorgeous, but romantic and the women are, dare i say, catatonic. jk!
esnad chapter 1 . 6/6/2007
I love your writing this was so funny !
multiplied chapter 1 . 5/4/2007
Incredible! You capture the characters soo well! My god. I love this one.
Silverjojo08 chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
lol. I love Valentine's Day(yeah, never had a boyfriend, but it's pretty much the Halloween of winter. Free candy from friends!) but this was still hilarious.

I love how you wrote them. A little OOC with Addison and Callie, but it fits for the type of story it is. Great job!
EternalConfusion chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
Fantastic! I feel like doing that next V Day. *sigh* It's a silly day, really.
LightningLaveau chapter 1 . 2/22/2007
OMFG It's so CUTE! Even though I don't watch Grey's... but you know about that...

M. Brownies. M. *sleeps during Bio*

See ya later hon!
CCke chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
I'm perfectly within my rights to say that I wubbed the story.

You're a good writer, Sparkly :D

And now I want brownies...
Krystal chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
Haha that was funny, great job!
thehoodedsweatshirt chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
Hahaha. Thank you for forgoing taking notes in your classes cause this is brilliant! The SGH female staff captured my feelings about this day completely! And this type of fic sure as hell beats the cotton-candy, sugar coated, fluff that tends to emerge on these types of holidays. What can I say I love the dark and twisty


Sparkle chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
Haha, that was great. Really funny! Exactly what I needed after this freezing cold day!
loisended chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
I won't say I love it, because that would be weird on Valentine's Day. So I'll say I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKED IT instead. :) I don't care for Valentine's Day. Maybe I used to, but another year alone, and my dad bought me chocolates as if I wasn't fat enough already. And there are read hearts and cupids everywhere and it's frankly making me sick. But this, this is what I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE about Valentine's Day. Imagining the GA Sarcastic Girls on Valentine's Day :D
anglchild chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
I loved it :)
NuttyElla chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
Haha, that was cute. I really liked how you had all the women on the show bonding over a mutual...dislike? of Valentine's Day. Although I think I would've liked it even better if one of the guys had walked in, haha. Or, you should've had Mark join them. xP Great job!

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