Reviews for Cheat Code For Life
Non chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
This was a lovely piece to read. All the boys felt like the boys in South Park, but with an added touch of realness which is always nice to see if done well. And you have done it wonderfully.

There are too many parts that I love to really be able to gush about here, but one that stands out is Kyle worrying about his sickness-es and such. It would make sense for a boy who has gotten sick with the things he has to wonder about dying every once in awhile. And great job in that last line. It does great for a closing line.
mimarin chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
this made me shiver with its macabre romanticism. killer (hah) last line, all breathless suspension. it's a neat peek into kyle's mind; you do so well with lyrical psychoanalysis.
shannello chapter 1 . 8/29/2008

You have absolutely incredible talent.

These boys are so in-character [Going to see Stan to give him moral support/taunt him, almost-spitting on Craig, Kyle and Kenny..]

Im extremely jealous.

Write more one-shots!

Aseret Kitsune chapter 1 . 4/1/2007
This is an interesting one. I do love your one-shots. You write the boys so well.
XJill The RipperX chapter 1 . 3/30/2007
WONDERFUL WONDERFUL! Once again! _ Good job! Keep up the good work! *thumbs up*
PP. Bunny chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
Sweet in a strange sort of way. Almost sad its a one shot
the Zoshi chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
That's awesome. I mean, really awesome. I love the way you put your words together. _ gah, poor Kyle. Poor Kyle, but I was laughing. Does that make me a bad person? *heh*

But really, I loved this. Really loved this.