Reviews for I've Never Been Framed For Murder…
Dee474 chapter 1 . 1/18
liked it
Runewulf chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
Wonder if we'll ever find out?
VG LittleBear chapter 1 . 2/28/2015
Hi, very good characterization. And the perfect last line! I thought McGee would never ask!
Thanks and cheers!
TheBlackForest chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
This was just great! Better than a lot of us native English speakers, and every author on this website.
1sunfun chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
Ladyaloysius chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
I really like it! And , honestly , I would never know you aren't a native English speaker, because you use the language better than most of us who ARE English speaking!
bookwyrm.the chapter 1 . 4/27/2012
The curiosity thing worked; I saw the title and had to read it. Great job! And Tony was being so subtly cute!
Hieiko chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
I love that Tony didn't want McGee to feel left out. And that Gibbs let them into his house, annoyed but still a proper host. But I don't believe Tony wouldn't know what "maritime recreations" means, considering all that he knows about Marines and the Navy. Also, when it comes to words, well, listening to Tony talk, he could be a thesaurus.

Oh, oh! I also love Abby's suggestion that Gibbs uses a crane. _
Jinxauthor Mel chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
Quaint little passtime, and a rather good piece for no summary. .~
starfish chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
Absolutely loved this cute little FF! :-))) How they talkes about they mistery of Gibbs' boat, how McGee was absolutley unfazed and his reasons WHY he had never seen it, how Tony tried to be a good friend - and how he just failed spectacularly! *lol* :-))

Gibbs' reaction was prizeless - and I just LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the last sentence! Just perfect! XD
alix33 chapter 1 . 6/14/2010
"couldn't someone at least steal a car stereo or something?" - Not mine, please: I just had it replaced for my birthday after somebody DID steal my car's previous stereo.

"Abby suggested, sitting cross-legged on Tony's desk." - I hope she is wearing trousers, and not her short skirts, if she is sitting like that on DiNozzo's desk.

"Stuff like that…?" McGee said with raised eyebrows. "Tony, I've never set foot in Gibbs' basement and I've never seen any boats, so I really can't help you." His statement was met by astonished silence. "You've never been to Gibbs' place?" Abby asked. "No." "How's that possible?" Ziva asked. "I was there within days of my arrival to the country. I thought it was some sort of initiation rite." "Well, not for me," McGee said. "But why?" Abby insisted. "Well," McGee said, ticking off the reasons on his fingers. "I've never been framed for murder, I've never had a stalker, I've never been in protective custody, I've never been chased by Israelis, the police, the FBI or homicidal maniacs, I've never needed any place to hide… shall I go on?" "You know, Probie, you're waaaaay too normal," Tony said, looking almost sad on his friend's behalf. "Yeah, well, I'm afraid I can't help you." - Now I feel all sad for Tim that he has never been in Gibbs' basement.

"McGee turned back to his computer and the gang around him disbursed," - "the gang around him dispersed" (meaning "they went away"). If they disbursed, they would have started handing out money.

"Did you know that McGee's never been here?" Tony asked as he and Gibbs stood at the top of the stairs, watching McGee descend. "Strangely enough, DiNozzo, I did know that," Gibbs answered him wryly. "After all, it is my house." "But don't you think that's strange?" "Not really," Gibbs shrugged. "He's never been framed for murder, he's never had a stalker…" Tony held up a hand to stop his boss. "Yeah, I know, he already told us that." - I LOVED how Gibbs and McGee said it in the exact same way, why McGee has never been to Gibbs' place.

"What's the big deal?" Gibbs asked. "I've never been to his place either." "You haven't missed much," Tony said jokingly. "It's a sad little place. Hasn't even got a couch." Gibbs raised an eyebrow and looked disapprovingly at him. "A sad little place? Careful, DiNozzo, that's a man's home you're talking about," he said," - You tell DiNozzo, Gibbs!

"In the middle of the stairwell McGee turned his head back towards Gibbs and said conversationally, "So, Boss, how do you get the boat out of the basement?" - That made me laugh so hard!
Dance Elle Dance chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
Lol this was great! I really enjoyed this little fic. Great job!
nick chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
he was there after jenny got shot. gibbs needed him to hack fbi, and gibbs had a computer that was way to old.
CryingTearsOfBlood chapter 1 . 6/18/2008
Good story!
DXRULES103 chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
True, he never needed a place to hide. Loved it.
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