Reviews for Loliver First Kiss Oneshots
kishigo123 chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. This is one of my favorite stories:):):):):):):):)
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 3 . 9/13/2012
Just how adorable these two can get!?
I have to read more from you :DD
Continue, continue, CONTINUE!
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 2 . 9/12/2012
What a sweet and cute one-shot!
I love your stories so much; you are very talented!
Please write more!
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 1 . 9/12/2012
Awwww so sweet this was!
Great job ;)
The Atlantean chapter 3 . 2/5/2010
These r really god! I like the summary for You Can't Say That! lol. Keep em comming please!
wejfnen chapter 3 . 6/23/2008
wow. all of these were super good.

nice job!
JulianaGrace chapter 2 . 3/13/2008
Oh. My. Gosh. WOW.

That. Was. AMAZING. Beyond belief! C:


This was totally Genius. You dealt with every girl's insecurities, and, by the end, made ME feel absolutely beautiful too! All the while making one of the most beautiful one-shots I've ever read.

It was well-written, flowed so impeccably smoothly from line to line, I was amazed. Really awed by the end.

And these aren't just words of flattery, they're incredibly truthful, just as Oliver's were. You managed to fit some humor in, and still made us melt at the end.

In fact, I loved this so much that not only am I adding it to my favorites, but I've printed it out! And let me tell you, the stories I print out and put in my special folder are incredibly amazing. They are the most outstanding, and put there so I can reread them over and over again. Though I have a few HUNDRED stories in my favorites, I only have less than ten, actually printed out. So it's a pretty big deal. :)

So anyway, congratulations! And I hope this review makes your day, because this story made mine. C:

Still the same girl, just with a new penname (you like?).

SunSeaAndShoes chapter 2 . 2/24/2008
Aaw... they were all so great... Mirror, Mirror is the sweetest Loliver I've ever read... kepp it up these are so good ]
Carousel of Dreams chapter 1 . 2/3/2008
I LOVE THISS! AWESOME! You should keep writing. :D
hatsandcats chapter 2 . 11/20/2007
I loved it! Oliver is so sweet!
ladyand chapter 3 . 11/9/2007
I love Oliver in this fic and Jake. WOnderful
ladyand chapter 2 . 11/9/2007
I loved it. It was so.. omg WOW. It was the best. I loved it.
ladyand chapter 1 . 11/9/2007
I lvoed it. It was so cute.
JulianaGrace chapter 3 . 10/25/2007
Aw! Can it GET any more incredibly sweeter thsn that? And you know what's funny? I'm watching "Everyone Was Best Friend Fighting" right now! LOL!

Anyway, back on topic. You really captured their characters here: " “I, uh,” began Oliver, rocking on his heels. “I like dancing with you,” he whispered.

Lilly looked up at him, startled. Oliver reached out and touched her arm, and she began to blush. But Oliver thought she was sort of smiling, too.

“I-” "

:) My favorite part, though was

"Lilly shook.

He squeezed her fingers.

Lilly squeezed back.

And then he kissed her.

Lilly melted."

Brillant! :D

Oh, and I LOVED the Jiley moment! :D "And Miley forgot all about being angre." Sweet! It made me laugh! :D

JulianaGrace chapter 1 . 10/25/2007
AH!~!~!~! Oh my gosh! I LOVE THIS! So purely sweet! You completely captured their characters! :D Yay! Favoritest most genius moment/line:" And then she felt Oliver’s mouth on her own again. This time, she closed her eyes." Eps!

I applaud you madame moiselle, for being one of the few writers on here who captured Lilly & Oliver's characters so well, and in doing so was able too make an amzing "first kiss" story! :) Can't wait to read more! :D

Lots of love!

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