Reviews for The Same Eyes
Tam The Bunny Who Loves Books chapter 1 . 5/29/2009

Yet again, I think I almost cried.

Gosh, I have to get this almost-crying under control. xD

Great, loved it, favorite, all the same stuff. :3
The Clown Queen of Spades chapter 1 . 8/18/2008
I think I'm addicted to tragedy, well, more specifically, your tragedies.

You're amazing. I just thought you should know that. In case you didn't already. But you should. Because you are. Yeah.

Your language doesn't seem forced, which is really, really good. I know that I for one, can end up forcing my language when I'm trying to use big words or be especially morbid. But you don't, which is fantastic.

Not to mention that this pairing is pretty much my love drug. There's so much love and so much angst at the same time, it just makes me shudder.

You're freaking amazing. So yeah.
mustardgirl1128 chapter 1 . 2/23/2008
Love, love, love, LOVE! Soo amazing! I adored it! "He'd do anything for her" is SO beautiful! Awesome! The poetic feel to this is SO beautiful...y'know, I think I just might have to add you to favorite authors list!
hpdrfan1 chapter 1 . 2/16/2008
omg again and again, im ur first reviewer! lol, loved it iz, u know i did! obvious pairing at end, i agree...tsktsk, ur so predictable! going on faves :)