Reviews for Buy me a Hatake
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 6/28
Cuteness. I still want to smack Sakumo...a lot...but cuteness!
the17thmuse chapter 1 . 8/10/2019
This is one of the best fics I have ever read.
Jet Set Yoyo chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
This is the sweetest little story ever. Dear god. I was grinning the whole time ear to ear.

I'm pretty sure I've seen that movie before. It sounds familiar but its probably been a long time. I very likely cried because I'm a sap. xD Thank you for writing such a good story~
LittleChomper chapter 1 . 6/8/2017
Cry, obviously. That's one of the most touching movie that I ever watch and usually I am stay away from any film with tears involved.
jojoisdabest chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
amazayn story! ;-)
Keirra chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
This is so adorable and I love it very much.
SapphyreMyst chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
I burst into tears at 'for you, I will always be free.'

Thanks for writing!
Takashiro Yuki chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
Heyya! Good job for making me laugh! I mean, yes! Laugh! I'm rolling on the floor ya know
Kurichi-chan chapter 1 . 5/10/2015
Adorably cute! Loved this story :)
long live marshmallows chapter 1 . 3/24/2015
Ahahahaahaaaa I just love stories where Sakumo goes all nuts over Jiraiya!
dirkydirkdirk chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
I've been watching Jack Neo's movies since I was a kid, and it's amazing to know they've reached countries as far as Canada!

This movie made me cry when I watched it, the part where Tom and Chen Cai run away after robbing that old lady...

Anyway, the way you mixed the plot with Kakashi and Sakumo's characters was amazing! I'm really glad that you wrote this; I could really see this happening in the actual manga!

The snippet at the end was too cute! I love overprotectice!Sakumo. Parents who over worry about their children are the cutest kind of parents! :)

Thank you for the hard work! I really enjoyed this.
not the usual baka chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Holy Crap, almost died laughing when Kakashi said prostitute.
That was some intense negotiation going on here, ninjutsu cards and Wave country shells thrown in too.

Watched that movie ages ago, there were some really sad moments in there.
Rin chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
That was so adorable! So precious
scorpiowarrior chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
Ohhhhhhh, that was one of the cutest stories I have ever read! KAWAI! 3 3 Great job!
KiyumiArashi chapter 1 . 10/11/2012
Lovely little story :) Such a cute idea!
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