Reviews for The Letter
Melissa chapter 1 . 12/9/2009
This was a sweet story i enjoyed it thoroughly:)
Jaroslav Lewis chapter 1 . 8/30/2008
aw... soo cute
TCGeek chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
OMG. *heart* Soo cuute! *is melting*

This was short and sweet but completely adorable and I loved it! Nice work!
RedVelvetKitty chapter 1 . 7/11/2008
Meep! :heart: I LOVE IT! Derek is so cheesy, but it is SO FREAKIN CUTE! I love the words he uses in the love note- so beautiful!

That's right Angie! Kiss him like you mean it!

Ahem! I'm so happy you decided to write another DxA fluff. Another VERY VERY adorable one indeed!

I hope you decide to write more TC fics- they are so freakin' adorable :heart:
