Reviews for Tricks not Treats
Ninetailsjinx chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
A cute story for a cute couple. I liked the premise that a Halloween prank imagined by Cyborg and Beast Boy and played on our favorite Boy Wonder leads to Robin admitting his feelings for Starfire, but I was a bit less enthused by the manner in which the objective was achieved.
It seemed OCC that the trio of heroes would play such a malicious prank on Robin, especially on patrol while a sniper is on the loose. I understand that the sniper's presence was intended to make Robin more likely to fall for the prank, but it made the trio seem irresponsible and insensitive in a way that is incongruent with their characters, especially the part where Cyborg disabled Raven's communicator so she couldn't ruin the 'fun'; keeping the empath out of the loop was great, but doing so in a manner that left her unable to communicate with her team in the event of an emergency (made all the more likely with the sniper's activity) was reckless in a way that I can't reconcile with Cyborg's personality.
I would have liked to have read through the boys' thought processes that justified their actions, especially how they explained everything to Starfire, who I could grant a little leeway considering her inexperience with Earthen cuture, but even then, the boys would have had to have played as much of a prank on her as they would have on Robin to convince her that such hurtful behavior was in the spirit of Halloween.
The ending was sweet, though, and I like how Robin's anger evaporated once he and Starfire made up. Just rethink the plot device of the sniper and the story'll be even better.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
What a fucked up prank LOL
Electricboa chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
Wow, that is a surprisingly dark trick for Halloween, actually, strike that, that's downright cruel.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/27/2013
lol, funny and amazing!
SwampBandit chapter 1 . 7/21/2011
I finally got around to reading this story and I agree with Star of Airdrie that it is very good. The prank was a little extreme, but it still worked, and the dialogue and interaction between the characters was spot on.
Star of Airdrie chapter 1 . 9/27/2009
great Halloween TT story! Very enjoyable. Nice dialog, well written and constructed story.

Super job!

Itban Fuyu chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
Poor little Robin that fell in that prank, but at least he and Star got together! Really good story!

Itban Fuyu
TeenTitansFreakFan chapter 1 . 1/18/2009


Tari Silmarwen chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
Aww... Well that was sweet. Decent descriptions, pretty well constructed. Very nicely in-character. That was a decidedly mean prank for BB and Cy to pull though.

I pity them not.

I think Robin should have been a little harsher on the two than he was, but other than that, a fairly enjoyable read.
Cylor chapter 1 . 10/18/2008
Ow. Yeah, that was harsh all right...while an interesting idea, I have to agree that I have difficulty seeing any of the Titans - kids though they may be - being THIS immature/insensitive.

All that aside, it's nice to see you're still writing!
yoonalesca chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
lol robin's reaction was perfect. and i love that they made up, very cute :3
Churnok chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
Somehow I find it hard to believe that any of the Titans would pull a prank this stupid and insensitive. It's something the Hive Five might do, but not the Titans. BB was in hot water for the prank he pulled in Forces of Nature and besides, he knows what it's like to lose family. Starfire is not that ignorant, and cyborg has had his own losses.

The sniper also works against this story. True it adds to the credibility of the prank, but at the same time it decreases the likelihood of the other Titans pulling it. They're heroes. They're not going to pull pranks on each other when there is a serious threat in the area.

The prank causing Robin and Starfire to finally get together is believable but otherwise I think you should consider rewriting this story.
GotenForever chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
WOW! aww, funny but strange prank. I have always lked RobinxStar
Somewhere In Time chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
Nice~ Very well written. I feel sorry for Robin, but not too much for Cy and BB. They should've known better.

Well, at least Boy Blunder finally got his feelings out in the open.:)

P.S. Hey, I'd also like to thank you for faithfully reviewing my story, "Happily Ever After". Your criticisms and comments are most helpful to me.:D
The Silver Phoenix chapter 1 . 10/17/2008
Well, you did a good job tying together two genres that don't usually come hand in hand: horror/suspense and romance. I never really liked Hallowe'en, but if it brings my favourite couple together (albeit not the way I'd imagined), then it's all cool.

Overall, maybe not the most original storyline, and even then I still think it had potential for a lot more. Maybe you could've made it longer and drawn the story out more for the reader to savour the suspense (for me, the part from Starfire getting "attacked" to Robin rushing to the cemetery and then revealing the prank went way too fast), added more description, etc. But I liked the ending and especially the way you worked a "moral of this story..." into the whole plot.

~The Silver Phoenix
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