Reviews for Chopin's Nocturn
stuovam chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
very good story. That is how Lily should have changed. I believe that Potter could instruct the detectors. Snape initially wanted to embroil them, but eventually he got love. But is he telling the truth or not? Will she go to heaven or to the lair of death eaters? I like the text and emotions of this work. Playing on the strings of the soul.
Sabrina chapter 3 . 9/17/2018
This was absolutely brilliant! I'd love it if you continued the story!
KB chapter 3 . 8/25/2018
You wanted a review? All right! You'll get one. I recently read Jane Eyre and was reminded of Mr. Rochester very suddenly when Severus used a certain phrase- I don't recall what it is. However, Severus here is much more melancholic than Mr. Rochester ever was. Also, the part about the blood on the white floor or whatever was friggin weird. Aside from that *insert Umhridge "hem hem" here* I love the intensityyyyyyyyy! Yassssss!
randsvalstar chapter 3 . 2/16/2014
I read it. It's cute. A little cheesy, mind you, but cute none the less. _ I like it.
severussnape girl aka sevey chapter 3 . 1/3/2012
oh plea pleae do update this. have already fallen in love with the stroy and i am always in a look out for a goood sev lily stroy and i have foudn it so please do update. you have doen a wonderful job keep it up. "sigh" ill be waiting. :)
Zoe chapter 3 . 2/10/2011
This is frankly one of the best-if not THE best-

SevxLily fics out there.I love it!Please tell me

you mean to continue .
Cassandra30 chapter 3 . 1/18/2011
Wonderful! I had never seen Severus like that. Terrific! :) Write more soon!
Cassandra30 chapter 2 . 1/18/2011
Totally terrific and sweet!
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 1/18/2011
Excellent start! I think you have caught Severus well. Lily too.
Mini Nicka chapter 3 . 1/13/2011
Very nice!
PantherlilyCat chapter 3 . 11/3/2010
This is perfect, perfect, perfect! Honestly one of the best stories I've read, thank you for writing a happy end for them. Although it doesn't feel finished to me, I still love it.
Fayari chapter 3 . 6/17/2010
Well, yeah, now that you mentioned it, Severus really is a lot like Edward Rochester. He even has that excessive self-loathing and self-induced suffering down pat!

We, as the uninvolved readers, all understand that most of it is not Severus' fault, but for me, personally, I find his attitude annoying. If only he would talk about his problems. I understand that opening up would give more weapons to those who want to hurt you (and Severus undoubtedly has more of those than anybody deserves), but it could also gain and expose you more allies that would be sympathetic, outraged, and/or guilty for your plights.

Too bad Severus has never understood that.

Strangely enough, after reading Jane Eyre again, I find disturbing similarities between it and Harry Potter, at least in the beginning. The Dursleys are practically modeled after the Reeds.

I do wish that canon Harry Potter had gone on like this novel had. Even if it meant that the titular character never comes into being, I would gladly sacrifice a beloved character such as Harry Potter if Severus and Lily had come together after their little misunderstanding.
VestriVerum chapter 3 . 4/8/2010
Cute, interesting and nicely paced.

Alethea27 chapter 1 . 2/8/2010
Yes, I definitely think you should continue. I really enjoyed reading your story. It has a erotic feel to it that I really liked. I was glad to see stupid James Potter get his!
Alethea27 chapter 3 . 1/4/2010
I really loved this story. I've always felt that Severus was probably a romantic in the old-fashioned sense, wanting to court Lily caught it perfectly. I frankly hate James Potter! I've always felt he's a shallow lightweight git and you framed him perfectly!
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