Reviews for Shadow of my Fear
jmountyn74 chapter 25 . 9/10/2019
Thus is an amazing story. So heartfelt
Darkflame's Pyre chapter 25 . 4/10/2012
I really love how it ended, Sam. You and Mystikstorm did a fabulous job. I never had the pleasure of meeting Lissysue, but I'm sure that she'd be so proud of you for keeping on going! Xx
Belladonna Tracy chapter 25 . 5/26/2010
this is a really good story i really enjoyed it but it was sad when i learnt that lissysue had died and that u were finishing it in her memory
Little Miss Bump chapter 25 . 5/6/2010
Finally finished it! And what a wonderful ending, too. The emotions in this chapter were written beautifully, you really pitched it just right. Such a lovely moment between Jeff and Virgil.

This whole story has been such a brilliant read, and I really admire you for perservering with it even in your grief. Your're a credit to us all, sweetie. And Lissy would have loved what you did with the story, and the fact that you did it in her memory. It will be a bittersweet way to remember her, and I thank you for giving that to us and not removing the story from the site, as I might have been tempted to do were the one writing this with Lissy.

Remember - I'm always here from you. Send me a message, tell me how you're getting on.
All my love,
LMB xoxox
Loopstagirl chapter 25 . 4/22/2010
oh completely gorgeous! I can't put it into words, but then agian, i reckon you probably know what i want to say about this anyway, it truly is spectacular! :D
Math Girl chapter 25 . 4/12/2010
What a sweet, warm ending. It seems as though the family will heal, now, helped onward by Lucy and Kerrie. And it's nice to know that Jeff really did see his son's recitals, even if just from the shadows. Well done, ladies. I can't wait for the next! )

criminally charmed chapter 25 . 4/12/2010
A very sweet ending. I bet LissySue is very proud of you. I know I am.

Snicker. Gotta say one thing I loved - Virgil knowing his brothers were awake by their breathing patterns. Bet he gives Scott a run for his money in smother henning.
DanceOfTheEntWives chapter 25 . 4/9/2010
sweet, for lizzy! (it's like a battle cry isn't it?)

instead of 'for narnia'

i think she's very happy now, wherever she is
LucyMaxine chapter 25 . 4/8/2010
I have just been sat here for over 2 hours reading the whole fic, but it was definatly worth staying up even though I have work in 6 hours.

Well done to all involved and RIP Lissy! A talented writer lost so young! So glad you decided to carry on with it Sam1, perfect way to honour Lissy.
Angel-Sue76 chapter 25 . 4/8/2010
What a brilliant way to end the story. I have been looking forward to the scene between Jeff and Virgil and you did it perfectly. I loved Alan and John's comments to Scott and Gords and the fact that Virge knew they weren't asleep. Brilliant story and I loved the escape attempt too.

Kezz would be so happy to know that one story got finished especially this one. Well done on finishing it for her, I know she would love the way it turned out.
MichaelDavid1983 chapter 25 . 4/7/2010
That was such a fitting end to the story. Lissy would've loved it. And I know that she is reading this and seeing herself in Kerrie. I cried until the line of "No, you weren't but then again, you did have your head up your ass for a few years there." Then I really couldn't stop giggling. It was a great story and I'm glad that you two finished it.

Great job, and I'm sure Lissysue would be honored that you did this for her.
Silver Bee chapter 25 . 4/7/2010
Oh...that was beautiful - you've got me in tears. This last chapter was perfect and I cried even more at your comment at the end. Bee
Angel-Sue76 chapter 24 . 4/7/2010
Brilliant chapter as always. I love the way Kerrie appeared to them again and was trying to help them accept things but stepped back and allowed them to face it together.

It's nice to see a close bond between John and Virgil as its not something that is often written about but I could always see those two as being close.

The end was brilliant too and such a perfect way to end the chapter.
MichaelDavid1983 chapter 24 . 4/6/2010
That was a great update. I got a little teary-eyed, when Virgil and John were talking. I love fluff, but that was not too sweet. It was what they needed to get things out where they needed to be. When Virgil woke with his dad's hand over his chest sleeping, I got even more teary-eyed. Can't wait to read your next update.
Loopstagirl chapter 24 . 4/6/2010
haha, considering it didn't log me on, it means i can do this again! *grin*

Utterly beautiful chapter, this really made me cry because the emotions were so perfectly captured! I fully agree with that last sentence! :)
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