Reviews for The World, and You, and Me
Jamaica chapter 1 . 3/2/2015
This wasn't totally wack, dude, this was totally brilliant! I especially love the ambiguity of the speaker toward the latter half. I actually didn't read it as they died at all but much more metaphorical, as with the overall tone. It's quite poetic and beautiful.
Ashimattack chapter 1 . 10/27/2009
oh wow, i loved it

especially the part where lavi wiped the blood on kanda and kanda didnt tell him off.. cute and gross

well written :)
Morphine Dementia chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
A very interesting way of writing. Philosophical and all. Well, my brain is dead by now, so sorry for the lack of reviewness - but yes, once again - I LOVE THIS.

You really are one of the best LY authors there are! Great read.
Julye chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
This was simply love. Love from them. Love from you.

And from me.

It was simple yet complicated. Everyone can understand that yet maybe nobody can really get how it went. And how it ended.

Even if they died, it was still perfect. A perfect ending for the perfect world and perfect everything.

'Dying right the spot', it had to be the best statement from this one. Just a simple sentence yet holding the world of meanings.

They turned 18 that year, they learned that the world didn't revolve around them but now they had their world, and their world alone. Time wouldn't matter anymore. Just them.

That was perfect.
Halane chapter 1 . 7/11/2009
Well, yes, it's a little messy, but the point is still there XD At least I found a point, though I don't know if it was the one you were trying to make oO What I took out of the whole thing was actually that selfishness of youngness, you know, the seeing only what concerns you and not giving anything else a second thought; and the tendency to tragedy of the youngness *doesn't really know how to express*, when you think that you love is the greatest and the most powerful and your feelings are so extreme... I think I'm the one making non-sense now! hahaha But well, I found a point, even if it wasn't the right one, so I'm happy (take that! XD)

You have such a nice style! I really loved all those references in the first part of the fanfic. It was as if you were highlighting every typical point in this pairing hahaha I felt like writing a Greek tragedy or something like that about these two XD

'It could have been something else but neither of us could read lips when we were falling so damn fast. We needed to react, bounce back, survive. There was no desire within us to do anything but fall and fall and fall till we hit something. Anything. Everything.


This was my fav quote! I actually have some kind of fetisch with the repetition (XD), and I specially like the "something, anything, everything, nothing" thing XD (wah, so many things in one line, that must be a record! *takes a cookie for herself*). Besides it was such a passionate line I just had to love it!

I think it was in fact a very passionate and very young fanfic, I liked it! For I could see them feeling all this without making it clear from the outside.

And my reviews are always long because the quotes help quite a lot, see this one without all those quotes! I like more lines here, but I have no time now and I want to read the one missing! XD BTW, I have to write long reviews for I'm your number 1 fan and I'm determined not to let anyone surpass me 3 hahahaha

See you soon!


P.S.: OMG, if you write something about Yu being a Drag Queen I'll really read it! XD Do you think he will do it? XD I'd love to write a three-chapter or something on Yu being a Drag Queen! hahaha *falls to the floor laughing as mad*
Tossino chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
I dunno if I'm just weird, but this made perfect sense to me. It was very beautiful and very symbolic and it was so REALISTIC. It's like the new love that people describe to you and that you will eventually or have already experienced and you feel like you're on top of the world until reality comes crashing down around you and just blargh! XD

That was how I read this as. Did I decipher the codes right? I'm personally very proud that I understood this. xD
wirbil chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Shocking and so /different/. There's something almost AU about this but not quiet. Can't come up with the word for it but it's so bitter yet utterly sweet. Mystical and so real at the same time. C:
gonegonegonegongeoengrwiioegjw chapter 1 . 7/9/2009

But way nicely done. ;D RABI NARRATION FTW

Again, the emo-angst-romance for RK, just your style. Lovely. And it may be my crazyperverted imagination but YUU IS SO LOVELY HE MAKES ME ADSFKL. :'D

