Reviews for Drifting Away
Maggy-chan chapter 1 . 8/7/2012
Man... I cried so much when Hakuro was shouting for Kogome, i think my heart broke at this part :,( You have to know that i normally dont cry when i read storys with sad end but this one really hit me :) really great and it was new for me to have a POV from Kogomes Mom it was very emotional and you discribed the hole scene perfectly, so yeah i loved it!
I really enjoyed reading youre story, thanks!

P.S. It there is any mistake in the text, sorry im from Germany :P
GuiltyAuthor24 chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
That was beautifully tragic.
Matin gris de ciel chapter 1 . 7/16/2011
I loved it! It was so beautiful and achingly painful! I wish I could bring out such intense emotions with my own writing! Thank you for this, it was such a treat :)
Raethe Van Rythes chapter 1 . 9/24/2010
Omg this story made me cry, but it's so beautiful xDDD

Awesome job~!
JanniAlexandra chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
First of all, I never cry. Ever.

But, maybe it's because it's five in the morning and I'm tired, but this story made me cry. So that should tell you how great this story is. If you didnät, I'll tell you:

This story was great. Sad and heartbreaking. Just perfect.

Thanks for the awesome story.

- Cherry R.
mitsuki7 chapter 1 . 6/19/2010
I loved it !it made me cry so much...*sniff*...2 b honest u should make more stories that u see fit...second...u do not suck... :)...
CU Administration chapter 1 . 10/29/2009
Wow. This was absolutely astonishing. The way you described everything and the words you used to tell the story just really made it amazing. When you can make your reader feel emotion from just words, that is something serious.

You should make a sequel just because I like the way you write.

And Sesshomaru needs to hop to it with the Tensaiga lol
TanInu chapter 1 . 10/2/2009
Jejejeje hola niña! bueno bueno, perdón por haberme tardando tanto en ponerte un review, pero se me ha pasado y blah blah blah... Ahora sí, centrándonos en la historia...

¡Está muy triste! ...Aunque también es bueno ver historias en las que no existe final triste :D Lo describiste muy bien niña, tanto que (ya viste mi cara) te clavas cañón en la historia... A mí, (como ya te dije) me llegó el momento final donde Haruko busca a su mamá... ¡Ah! te duele ver el sufrimiento de ese niño... resumido en pocas palabras ¡Excelente! ¡Felicidades...!
Omkara chapter 1 . 9/18/2009
I practically cried through out the whole story it was so good and the fact that inuyasha doesn't cry, shouldn't cry and he did made me cry even more.
DemonsxXxHeart chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
You hope it was good ENOUGH? THIS WAS AMAZING! YOU MADE ME CRY! omg... like I said you're A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

love Love LOVE YOU! lol great story... (yeah yeah yeah I ramble on)
kiose chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
FEAR! kiosé is here!

*Yeah, writing this thing from my cousin's laptop while waiting outside of the hospital*

You almost made my cousin cry...he said you're so mean xD...he is just mad cause someone could, actually, made him wanna cry (but he is a Badass & he wouldn't cry cause badass guys don't cry, right?).

Anyways, into the review. You have talent to make the story flow nicely; you know the characters & how to use them. Although the suffering doesn't flows that nicely (makes the reader feel the pain too...but that's a good thing, indeed).

Call me a masochist, but I liked the way you described the suffering, it's easy to write someone's else suffering, but it isn't as easy to convey the feeling to the reader (your good D).

But I must say that my favorite part was the last sentence, cause that meant I had finished reading your fic :D...okay...that's not true...I, actually, loved the last sentence cause it sounded really EPIC.

You're good at one-shots, why not giving it a try anytime soon? ;P

Have some hugs

kiosé Over & Out

PS- You lied to me D: the review didn't take me a minute to write, it took me more than five Dx
lillypopgrl chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
this made me cry it was so sad.
lUiS chapter 1 . 8/21/2009
Really sad... I really don't know who suffered more Kagome or Inuyasha... perhaps Kagome had a "painful and slow" (loved when I read that part) death, but feeling guilty about the death of the one you love.. I think it's worse... Really poor Inuyasha... Well, don't know what else to write... mm oh yeah! mm the mother looked kind of cold... XD as i promised.. here's my review XD liked the story!
Anonymus chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
Hey! You are kinna crazy. I don't know what else to say... See u soon, i hope.
impulse960 chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
Can't review. Crying too hard.

Seriously though, excellent work.
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