Reviews for Someone I Used to Know
AniTrixx chapter 7 . 9/30/2011
Hi Shadow!

I reaaalllllly want you to update this! Being a massive fan of Fallout,... and Charon, I was in the mood for a well-written and consuming piece of fan-fiction with him in it. I found this, and was overjoyed, so much so I signed up to this website JUST to tell you how awesome you are, and to keep writing! It has been awhile since you updated, so I thought I would lovingly elbow you in the ribs.. D

You have put forward Charon's character in a very interesting and true form, without him being overly "Yes Master, No Master." Which adds a more real depth to him. The LW is very quirky, and I love her little dialogues and special moments. It made my day when I read this, so please, continue!
Chaerod chapter 7 . 8/27/2011
Update this. Now. You're actually doing GOOD of portraying Charon, and you've come up with a backstory for him that doesn't suck. The problems Nora is facing are legitimate, and your descriptions are good.

So I actually like your story after coming across god knows how many god-awful fangirl fantasies, and I. Want. Updates.

Please :-)
Kingdomonkey chapter 7 . 6/20/2011
Updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! Lol I love this story and want you to keep it going XD
Wishfulhamadryad chapter 7 . 6/9/2011
Just found this & I absolutely love it so far! _ can't wait for more!
Delsch89 chapter 7 . 6/4/2011
Being new to Fallout and Charon, I was hoping to find a few good stories about him since the game was released a long while ago. I'm glad my search got some result.

T'is a very nice story you have going here and I think you're writing Charon well! Keep up the good work! I'll be happy to read more.
waterpeach4 chapter 7 . 6/3/2011
Yesss! :) I'm glad she got the shotgun back. Can't wait to see Charon's reaction.
Rosethorn chapter 6 . 5/24/2011
Sorry I didn't review earlier. I couldn't find time.

Great chapter! I didn't think the fighting scene was bad, I didn't find anything bad about it. I love Charon's memories of his past, they're interesting. Anyway, I love this story! :D
SarahIntheSky chapter 6 . 5/4/2011
This chapter is really quite good, it was adorable when Daniel started screaming at that raider
Teufelszeug chapter 6 . 5/4/2011
You're back again! Nice to see you stick with all the goodness that was so characteristic to your story until now ) the chapter is simply delicious! I like very much your portrayal of Charon - very in-character, especially the way how he sees himself and explains his status to Daniel. His behaviour in combat is also very believable )

Also I like how rich is your story on details: the "raider-camp" scene was very lively and added more personal touch to the action that followed. The raiders are not "animals" or faceless mooks, but twisted human beings, wich makes everything even more poignant - the humans are actually the worst monsters because they do choose they actions and are responsible for them.
Rosethorn chapter 5 . 5/3/2011
This is such a cool story! :D
Creeper-X chapter 5 . 5/2/2011
This deserves a LOT more reviews. Your writing flows fluently, characterizations are good and I like how much thought you have put into this. The whole fight scene between Eleanor and the ghoul was intense and written in a way that one could understand both parties. Yes, the ghoul was rude but he got several points there and his unwillingness to accept her was understandable. I also liked it that your character wasn't acting like some saint but snapped like any person in that situation could. I love it when writers can add this kind of depth to the interactions; that they aren't totally one-sided where the OC is always right and the others are just being jackasses without a reason.

One other thing I like the most has to be (like one other reviewer mentioned) the fact that you have drawn this clear difference in experience between Charon and your OC. Most authors don't do that. The player's character in the game is pretty much just a pampered kid enjoying the safety of the Vault and then suddenly thrown in the middle of the action. Charon however has a harsh past and lots of experience and I like it how you acknowledge this. By creating this dynamic where he constantly makes Elanor feel like a child, you also prevented her becoming a Mary Sue. So far Elanor really has none of these traits and I really like her as a character (which I totally can't say about all OC's for this fandom). Her concers and flaws are something that's easy to relate to. Some of them are something I have actually been feeling when playing the game. I totally wasn't some badass from the start and more than once ended up running to some random non-hostile dudes to seek their protection XD. Then felt somewhat sheepish afterwards.

The other thing I really like is that you're developing things slowly. Many writers jump right into the romance and I feel that to be quite unrealistic since, like you explored in the fic, Charon's emotions don't really seem to function like they should and it takes time for him to reform. The conversation between Eleanor and Crowley was fascinating.

Good work with the fic. I hope you some day continue it :).
SarahIntheSky chapter 5 . 3/20/2011
This story is absolutely beautiful! Really, I haven't read better in a very long time, so keep it up
Teufelszeug chapter 4 . 2/16/2011
Well it's good to se you alive and well, Madam! first chapter was very promising, and I'm glad you've finally returned.

Don't be cautious about your Charon portrait. Comparing to vast majority of other Charonian fics, your is really do great about being both interesting, in-character and promising further development. I really liked the way you put the age and maturity differences between your LW and her companion - most don't get it right.

It's very interesting to make the fic in different time perspectives - I myself very fond of this stuff ))) I would suggest to put different time perspectives in rotating order, but anything will go. Again, nice and inventive of you to try and create some back-ground story for most popular NPC companion ever )

Keep going, please!
WyvernRider chapter 3 . 2/14/2011
Haha, I loved it! A very satisfying ending to the chapter indeed )

You have a pleasant style and a good grasp of pace. Keep up the good work!
Insanegamr chapter 1 . 4/6/2010
A-AHH! Why is it all the good stories are nonspecific about updates? Dammit!

Now that I'm calm (kinda), Nicely done. I can't wait until you update.
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