Reviews for How do you pass your time?
Saki Toyo chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
I love it!

So..cute..! /

Your style of writing is awesome, too! It's really descriptive and the story flows well.

And no spelling or grammar mistakes that I could see! (Don't worry, I'm my own grammar nazi too. :P)
Warratah chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
yay nice story, is the person at the end shirly? she is the only one i can think of except maybe athur? does he have yellow eyes? i can't remember...? oh well! just another reason to re-watch code geass! _
AudiblexGasp chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
*GASP* Du bist eine GrammarNazi? W00T for the SuzaLulu (wierdest couples name evar (next to Janto.)) and I have 2 questions... 1 Have ya seen the full series? 2 Do they kiss? It's just, I'm only on episode 6, and there's so many Youtube comments, not to mention the fic writers claiming this is canon, so... DO THEY? Sorry about that, I'm a crazed fangirl (minus the squealing and glomping.) O, yeah, the story was good, although you broke the fic writer commandment: Thou shalt not speaketh using "orbs." I've read WAY too many stories that over use that.

C ya!

Bel's Hime-Sama chapter 1 . 11/28/2009
Hmm I had doubts about this couple but thanks to your story I cant help but love them! .
Diana Prince chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
Yeah good story I liked it a lot you must answer the question please! Must have more fangirl service done Lelouch the Emperor commands you and I nicely ask you he he he. Anyway very good loved it hope to read more from you soon.
RiseofaRebellion chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
you should absolutely write another chapter i'm so sure of that i would go to court to defend my reson why you shouldnt just leave me hangin, it's because i LOVE this story and i wanna ,NO, need to see what happens next! i'm pretty much absolutely sure that the person int he shadows is C.C. who else has pale gold eyes?

would u do me another favor oher than writing another chapter, i would realy apreciate it if u would read my fanfic called She's Mine( the name is crappy iknow) tell me what u think. PlEASE? thanks looking forward to your next chappy now i gotta go bleach is about to come on.
lilyrose225 chapter 1 . 11/13/2009
Hehe. Don't die. I know late nights; they stink.

Good luck with school. : )
WingsxOfxThexRaven chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
You REALLY ave to continue this! There has to be more!
Yamiro chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
Is this the oneshot you said you were working on...? Well it is better _

Keep up the good work :]
LittleCopperRidingHood chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
please continue this was really good (also grammer) :)

i cant wait to read more!

Aerrow chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
Arthur. Cause he's still in his cat house...right? OR MAYBE C.C. But then that would pose the problem as to 'How did she get there'. Anyway, loved it. :3
WallSpinZaku chapter 1 . 11/2/2009

It might have just been me, but I thought the beginning was a little fast. The food fight was cute, and the military link was funny. Kallen and Suza were awesome. XD

The back part is a bit ANGSTY, which is a good thing, I guess. lol. I'll be waiting. D
MithLuin chapter 1 . 11/2/2009
Haha, Arthur's jealous!