Reviews for Insult Party
buneary709 chapter 2 . 4/9/2009
Wow, Jame really is weird. This was amazingly funny, good job!
trojjer chapter 2 . 8/4/2003
*Gasp* I give up! It's so LONG, it's depressing... Funny but depressing... Well, remotely attempting to read it in one go is, especially cooked up in my room here as usual... Anyway... God, I'd think of all the time spent in total... Gives some insight into what the hell was going on with you last year then, lol... Damn...

"C'est la vie." Ahem.
XChaos chapter 2 . 5/1/2002
wow. . .No wonder this is called an insult party. . . Love the Who Wants to be A millionare Parody. . .And those pictures that Todd took. . .But I have to say that meeting Future Brock, Future Ash, and Future Misty was my personal favorite part. Only one complaint, though. In fact, it's so small that you don't even have to take it seriously: Why does Meowth happen to have such a small role? (I'm sorry-It's just that I have an extreamely deep sense of respect for Meowth, that's all. Long story behind that. . . ) Oh well. At least Togepi died. . .If only Team Rocket ended up with Togepi, then the world would be a better place.

PS: Thanks for reviewing my two fics! Unfortunatly, both of the fics that you have reviewed have been removed by the staff of . (since when is writing a list about wierd, abnormal things to do in school illegal?. . .And what's wrong with poking a little fun with the Harry Potter characters? All well. . . Ther's still Pokemon fanmail. . .) I'm really sorry about this. When I learned that those stories were removed, I remembered how you so kindly reviewed both of them. I thought that i'd give you a couple of free reviews.
fartman chapter 1 . 2/17/2002
have definetly been Mickey Mouse,except no .But It's good*~!faaar%T!
Major chapter 1 . 1/30/2002
B**** shippers?#
Kasumi chapter 1 . 1/21/2002
OMG! THAT was HILARIOUS! HAHAHA! XD I nearly died laughing! write more! LOL!
Mew chapter 2 . 1/21/2002
I not saying alot it got boring in the middle of thoe I read 75% of it and the who want's to be a millonare copy was kind funny.