Reviews for Pandora Nope
Sasha Erin Alexain chapter 4 . 8/31/2010
XD - My face all the way through that.
HyalineReverie chapter 1 . 8/4/2010
No I don't want you to "seal your fricking bond"

XD - That made me laugh so loudly at work.

People most definitely stared at me like a 'retard'.
ForevermoreNevermore chapter 5 . 7/16/2010
Oh good grief. I haven't laughed this hard... since I read your unabridged script! You are hilarious! I love this and *snicker* oh Norm. :D looking forward to more! Great job
100 Silver Wings chapter 5 . 5/10/2010
A cookie and cross-dressing Norm? Well, when you put it that way, I feel totally obliged to drop a review. Who could say no to cross-dressin Norm?

I'm still reading and loving this story. I get the whole unable to write thing...I've been suffering from that for the last month and a half.

So for ideas: you know that Magic School Bus show? All about the magic bus and science and everything? Maybe something about that. Or carrying on the whole 'what is that guy smoking' thing. I dunno. Hopefully you can write soon!
Matteic chapter 5 . 5/10/2010

You mean we are free to propose anything ?

Oh. my. God.

Okay, I had this little thought : Grace is a bit like a mother for Norm and Jake, especially Jake as he doesn't really take care of his human body So you could do something with that - treating him like a little kid.

And Trudy is dead and with Eywa now, but I don't think they really got along at first. Some Trudy-Eywa discussion about life etc ?

Even better, if we say Trudy is with Eywa 'cause she died, Quartich should be with Eywa too ! He has to realize she's all powerful, but he's not happy with it... could lead a rebellion with the other dead soldiers and Eywa would get a little strange.
Mr E Key chapter 5 . 5/9/2010
Why don't you go into what the unobtanium is REALLY for? They never say what it's for do they? So maybe that has some potential.

Jax Sanjyo
Kuranzyan Blightwalker chapter 4 . 3/5/2010
Did they forgot to initiate his 'cryo-chamber' or something?
winchestre chapter 4 . 1/31/2010
lmfao! this is hilarious!

oh norm...

w1nter chapter 4 . 1/23/2010
hehehe... awesome! Fave quote: "Now, Mrs. Spellman, we have been growing suspicious of what your son has been smoking lately." LOL! looking forward to the next update! wo!
Matteic chapter 4 . 1/20/2010
Gee, thanks for the mad laughing in the school's library...

I never thought Norm could make me laugh like that. You're a genius.
SapphiraSkies chapter 4 . 1/18/2010
Very Nice. (Cough) Norm is a loser (Cough Cough) lol
1Timberwolf chapter 4 . 1/18/2010
LOL. Poor Norm, kinda took a little beating in this chapter. :).
Mr E Key chapter 4 . 1/18/2010
Stop it you killing me! Can't stop laughing! Ok don't actually stop keep it coming! ROFL

Sky66 chapter 4 . 1/17/2010
"..." That's all I have to say. And that it was funny (still cracking up). Good luck and update soon!

100 Silver Wings chapter 4 . 1/17/2010
No, I don't really want to stuff your head in an oven. That just seems...inhumane somehow.

Poor Norm. His genius is a curse going as a blessing. And also, poor Norm's sister, fellow students, parents, and dragqueen marines.

Grace's letter was hilarious. She knows him so well, how he has no life outside the lab. He should have gone and joined the smurfs for a while, that would be interesting.

M...chocolate...yummy...I'm going to put that on my resume...if I ever get around to getting a job when older.

There's just too few stories about Norm out there. I mean, Jake and Neytiri and Tsu'Tey get all the glory. Doesn't Norm deserve to get poked fun at/mocked/laughed at as well? Thanks for making the Avatar fandom more equal.

You should put Trudy in this somehow. Science geek with no lifekickass marine pilot something funny.

Great chapter. can't wait to see the next one.
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