Reviews for Film At Eleven
InTheNameOfSanity chapter 1 . 8/5/2012
Wow, this was super. It was Exactly like catching the 11th doctor in a very good and happy mood... And a slightly crazy one. It was short and yet a brilliant insight into what he must have been thinking at that point. :)
mericat chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
Love the regeneration with the doctors pov. I love that he ties his past relationships around his waist. A little sad about him releasing rose and not really understanding why he revisited all his companions before he left... Interesting take on 11.
TheSingingGirl chapter 1 . 1/24/2011
This is amazing. I don't use that word lightly - I might never have used it in a review before. You absolutely capture the Doctor's thoughts, and more than that, his thought processes. The sheer hyperactivity of it all is so utterly Eleven. The words tripping over each other to come out in a burbling babble - it's perfect chaos, and chaotic perfection.

Tilja chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Short and good one! I wonder why you didn't add the 'Geronimo!' line to it. Maybe it ended before it happened?

Again, Good One! To Favs. chapter 1 . 5/20/2010
I love it! I love your portrayal of 11. Isn't Matt Smith just perfect?

Great job.
Diana Prallon chapter 1 . 4/15/2010
Great, now I AM HIGH TOO! uhul! Let's just enjoy the ride, and forget all about that lovely lame adorable annoying tenth version, because right now, it doesn't matter. Even if he didn't wanna go, even if we didn't want him to go, we don't get to choose, do we? So we go on. On and on, always onwards, never looking back, because we can't, otherwise it will be a heartache that never ends, so we just go on.

Screaming Jeronimo all the way through it.
Mialle Lemos chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
erm, I'm pretty sure I don't understand everything, well, because I'm not so good in english, anyway, this fanfiction is amazing, and so interesting.

i like it.
BethBuck chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
Nice...that is all I can say. I liked it!
Spoofmaster chapter 1 . 2/4/2010
*loves on this* Regeneration highs are great, and I think you've really captured the feel of what was going on with Eleven in those few minutes at the end of EoT. Adding this to the Tin Dog.
Phoenix Flight chapter 1 . 1/14/2010
Absolutely lovely!
crazed-ink-slinger chapter 1 . 1/12/2010
It's been so long since I've had time to read any of your stuff - I'm glad I hit on this one! You've done fantastically at painting the new doctor as he seems to be. And I like that we're working through the process of how he manages to carry on with the weight of the other doctors - that they're kind of able to lift him up. Help him be cheerful in a strange way. That he's moved on but it's all still with him. _ Wonderful! I'm so sending this to all of my similarly doctor loving friends!
Volatura chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
Really interesting. Full of energy and just a bit cracked. Perfect. This story has a good voice. I like it. :)
dustie-snark chapter 1 . 1/5/2010
I love it. you have *such* a way with words.
KLCtheBookWorm chapter 1 . 1/4/2010
Well, that's one way to deal with the reveal. I don't think I've worked out how I feel yet.
thecolouryes chapter 1 . 1/2/2010
Woah. This perfectly articulates the wierdness I was reading off of Eleven's regeneration. You must be psychic or something - or we're just both good at reading characters. It's brilliant, even though I'm a little scared for Eleven's sanity... he seems much like a teenager, no? Insane and not really caring what anyone thinks on the surface but actually trying to please everyone... anyway, that's my opinion; what do you think? This was brilliant, and totally (what we've seen of) Eleven.

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