Reviews for Its Complicated
XxAngelWithoutWingsxX chapter 3 . 11/12/2012
I am currently in a fit of sobbing/crying and yelling! I am unable to write so my dear editor (Neniko-Chan) is writing this review to you while I mumble incoherent words and she tries to make sense of them. Half of what is written in this review is my actual words since it is very hard to make sense of them but anyways, I hope one day you will continue this story, the idea is very amazing and I'm sorry you had to move 2000 miles! That is a lot! I hope the job was worth the big move! So I am still crying a little, I have left my position of making more holes on the wall and am currently in a fetal position while my editor (Neniko-Chan ;p) is tryping this...well I think I'm clean of tears and can finally tell you, in my own words, that THIS IS SUCH A GOOD STORY despite that you only have two chapter... AND YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GO BACK ONE DAY AND KEEP IT GOING! AND I WILL REVIEW AND REVIEW AND LEAVE LONG LOOOOONG REVIEWS SUCH AS THIS ONE! GOING TO MY FAVORITES AND ALERTS SO PLEASE LET ME GET THAT MESSAGE SAYING CHAPTER 3!
yooniessi chapter 2 . 12/22/2011
Love it, absolutely. 100 percent loving this story. 3
Someone Who Believed chapter 2 . 11/2/2010
I can't wait to see what happens next! I really like it so far!
BluePhoneix45 chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
Okay everything was awsome and perfect I mean really awsome except I just cant see Raven having a little notebook thats sort of like her diary. But other than that awsome! Im totally reading the rest! :P
twilightcloud18 chapter 2 . 10/10/2010
OK i'll bite whats happening?

The Mighty One chapter 2 . 10/6/2010
WoWzAz! :-D This chapter was really beyond a doubt, yet another grand link in the chain of the wonderful telling you continue to unfold before me to read. ;-)The whole basics of Raven is down perfectly, you know a grand deal about her as a character. The crampedness of the T-Ship cockpit, from her uneasy stomach, to not being able to read or meditate like she so desperatly wanted too on their journey home from Tokyo. :-D Nice work on all of that stuff my friend.

The moments of the Empath and Robin together, the "What if's" All I can simply say, is that your story-telling is very detailed and filling, going vast beyond what writers can do to touch a person's heart with joy. Your writing continues to bring much pride, further happyness and powerful enjoyment in both reading and writing. Then the Ending itself is even more hooking. :-O WHOA! Super duper-duper awesome cliffhanger in my mind!

Keep up the good work Ninja Sakana. ;-) You're a very creative and captivating writer. For two chapters so far, you've taken off really well onto a masterpiece of a grand showing! :-D Awesome is one word to describe this powerful tale, Webster's Dictinary should come up with a new word just for this story on that in my opinion.

I thought you did a superb job. :-DDDD Really your writing brings me even more joy, to work on this craft myself for my stories also. You unleash magnificent enjoyment for me in reading, writing stories on my part is a struggle always. After I finish reading an update you post, the hope in me builds strongly again. Thank you.

Crazy nerd chapter 2 . 10/5/2010
ohhhhhhhh. Getting really good. I would die if I was in her position
bluewasabi24 chapter 2 . 10/5/2010
wow... ur an amazing writer! i envy u!
twilightcloud18 chapter 1 . 8/7/2010
I like where this is going update ASAP PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
catcherinthelie chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
oh i love it so far please update soon :)
MandaMazing chapter 1 . 7/7/2010
Wow. I love it :]

i cant wait to read further chapters! :D

Totally faving! ;3
The Samurai Prince chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
This is fantastic! Everything was so perfect(well, there were a few typo's here and there, but it's all good. I meant the story in general. :) )!

I hope you update soon! I like to see where things go on from here! :D

By the way, since you like RobRae like I, would you like to check my crazy story out, 'The So Called RobRae Fic'? It's a humor fic, so I hope it makes you laugh! :)
AnimalGirl chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
It is tune,not toon.A toon is a pointing that out.I like the story idea,and I like the story,too.
The Mighty One chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
GREAT JOB! Whoa, I deeply enjoyed how this story started out, from Raven's inner mind. Truly a great idea you have, and drawing from Cyborg at first, letting Raven feel the older brother bond was strong, for he gave her space and was protective for her. Then you went to Beast Boy, always trying to cheer her up, where she felt of him as her younger brother, and the bond they shared was also well drawn out. Moving to Starfire as a very close friend, truly shows how Raven feels towards Starfire, at how annoying her always perfect and beautiful phisique can blind her, into always thingking everyone SHOULD be happy. So, Raven never fully enjoyed the happy outloook always, and the part with the kitchen blowing up, was pretty spot on too. X-D Zonning into on Robin at the end, I feltit was a very, very, VERY key eliment and it drew out what I was expecting you to go for. Truly Raven's love intrest, and the unsaid things between the two, from the hillusinations of Slade so long ago, allowing Raven to go into Robin's mind to learn of his past, how they care for each-other. You did a wonderful job with all of that! I also lked how everything else you came up with, for Robin and Raven, along with how Raven felt towards the others. Truly a brillinat work of art! :-D ;-D

Picking up the story for seson 6, following their leave of Tokyo was also brilliant friend. Inner Demons for my story picks up when they return also, and I am am curious if you would look into that story. Chapters 7, 8, 9, and 10 are very powerful, and blow the earlier ones away. It's more of Rae and BB's relationship.

Then I also have a second story going on too, titled Loves Complexity. Also following the Titans return of Trouble in Tokyo for season 6. It's more of Robin in the middle, torn between Raven and Starfire in a love triangle. That I think would be a story you woud be intrested in, and it's from first person perspectives. The story starts off on Robin, and I plan on going to Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy and then Cyborg's perspectives as well, later down the road. Only the first chapter is done, but I think it's pretty strong. ;-)

WOW! You have toppled me into amazment. I enjoy Robin and Starfire, and Raven and Beast Boy relationships the most. Then there is another side of me, that desperatly enjoys Robin and Raven, I don't know why exactly, but I always enjoyed their bond, and felt they should have gone deeper in the show with it. So, that's where I came up with Loves Complexity.

Well, listen to me ramble. I could go on for quiet a while, so I'll make this quick. AWESOME JOB! My friend, I wish for you to please to continue with this, for I am hooked!


Hazel-220 chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
I absolutely LOVE this story so far. I mean, it's so well written and the overwhelming emotions that Raven is dealing with so far, it’s awesome. Can't wait to see the next chapter :)