Reviews for Dimensional Alchemy
Zoey24 chapter 33 . 7/27/2013
Wow, finally Katie was told that her BEST FRIEND was kidnapped! Can't wait to see how what she does to everyone. And how she'll handle Ling.

Update soon!
Unusable Account chapter 33 . 4/9/2013
I'm gonna CRY so bad.! You left at a good Cliff Hanger... And LING!. *Starts to have tears and pout* WHY!. And it's been a long update. I love this story.
Bumblebeecamaro38 chapter 33 . 8/6/2012
Ah, Ling Noooo! She's not a spy! Gah, what a misunderstanding. :I
I look forward to seeing what Katie plans on doing to Mustang! XD
C. S. Stars chapter 33 . 8/6/2012
Awww! So cute! X3 what does Hua mean? Oh dear. It's code Ling! She's not a spy! Lol, run Mustang Run! XD
GuysChoiceAss chapter 33 . 8/6/2012
Duuuuude, I've been waiting so long for this story to update! Lessen my sorrows and update it again soon!
Kimbley3 chapter 32 . 6/19/2012
Am I the only one who loves the whole 'KimbleyxKatie/ArcherxSarah' thing? I dunno why but I seriously want them to end up together, especially the Archer one since you don't see many awesome fics with him and a decent OC. :D

Totally loving this story ;_; think i'm addicted to it3333

Keep up the good work õωõ

Can't wait for the next chappie33

OH and btw I LOVE you two for bringing this EPIC story into this world! LOVE3 ω
PanteraShadow the Fangirl loves your story chapter 4 . 6/9/2012
Yes, that was what I was afraid of. Kimblee is a creeper.
Yay there is more!

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PantheraShadow the Fangirl apologises for not logging in chapter 3 . 6/6/2012
Oh crap not them.
Oh well. I shall continue to see what happens before I explode.

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PantheraShadow the FanGirl still cant sign in but will soon chapter 2 . 5/24/2012
Yay! It's Ed, isn't it? :D I love Ed!

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PantheraShadow the FanGirl who Can't Sign In chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
Nice! I do like self inserts, since fangirl are the most hilarious and awesome people in the world. XD We fangirls are the BEST! I shall continue to read excitedly.

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Bumblebeecamaro38 chapter 32 . 2/25/2012
And it begins! Oh wow, Katie's in for a lot of confusion, I look forward to reading the next chapter! :D
LeFay Strent chapter 32 . 2/19/2012
I LOVE THIS STORY! The whole time I was reading it I kept guessing who the girls would be paired with in the end, and you kept me guessing the whole way. I definitely thought that Sarah would end up with Havoc, then I was like ROY, but now Archer? And I thought for sure that it would be Katie and Ed but now it's Katie and Ling. Ah! You keep me guessing! And I want more chapters please!
bonniebeast chapter 32 . 2/12/2012
Hmmm, which to choose.a cute xingese future emperor, or a hot short alchemist?why not both?
C. S. Stars chapter 32 . 2/11/2012
Cool! Awww! Lol. Jealous much? Let the games begin! XD
snowcloud8 chapter 10 . 1/29/2012
i luv this story so far. but if u don't mind me saying so, i thought the beginning would've been cooler if Roxanne went through the gate to the other world and ended up as the main character instead of two girls coming out from the end with the baby still there. that would've been equally awesome! something 2 think about...
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