Reviews for Poison Bloody Pineapple
Guest chapter 37 . 4/12/2016
When is your next video?
Random Reviewer chapter 26 . 3/12/2016
I LOVE YOUR STORY! And I also watched the series on YouTube! I love it~ I really ship Gretchen and Dib, Jess and Paige, AND I ship Amthyest and Meef so hard! I want them to get together keep up the great work! :3
BiggestMyLittlePonyFan123 chapter 36 . 6/17/2013
Cutest apology from Dib EVER! I'm going to make a story where Dib accuses Kirsten of being selfish when he begins dating Victoria to make Kirsten jealous when she was just too shy to tell him about her feelings for him. She's kind of like Fluttershy from MLP. And there's also going to be a flashback scene when Kirsten is remembering when she first moved to that weird city where Skool is. And her first friend that she gets at Skool is Gaz, & Gaz is half neutral, half enjoying having Kirsten as a friend. This was about 3 months before Zim took over Earth because he FINALLY learned how to use a Megadoomer properly. This story MIGHT happen. But other than that, this story is the! The bestest one that you wrote, no offense! BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP READING THIS! U ROCK!
BiggestMyLittlePonyFan123 chapter 35 . 6/17/2013
Me: Hey, Dib, if you had to choose between Gretchen & Victoria for a girlfriend, who would you pick?
Dib: After this, Gretchen.
Me: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA! Not setting up the chairs next time! Not setting up the chairs next time! Not setting up the chairs next time!
BiggestMyLittlePonyFan123 chapter 22 . 6/17/2013
Dib was an idiot in this chapter. Telling Gretchen that he hated her? What a loser! I mean, Dib's my favorite character in Invader Zim, but seriously, he would never tell a girl that he hated her!
MorbidMotive chapter 16 . 2/29/2012
what up with the whole Zim sleeping thing? it stated earlier that he didnt sleep but in this episode, he does? is he just pretending or is he really that exauhsted?
MorbidMotive chapter 10 . 2/29/2012
zeldalove121 chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
i love this story :)
Twilight Cat 64 chapter 1 . 12/7/2010
Hi there. I've read the first chapter of this story and while the concept sounds good I found it rather hard to understand. I would like to give you a few ideas so it will help improve upon your stories in the future. If I happen come off as rude or mean I DEFINATELY don't mean to; I'm trying to be helpful.

In the first paragraph(after the song thingy) it is rather hard to understand what the man is saying and keep track of his actions in the block of text. It is rather awkwardly arranged. You should add quotation marks and end marks to help separate them and make it clearer on what is happening.

So instead of:(then he heard some thunder and lightning and it started to poor) Oh great I just had to ask didn't I. Stupid rain I hate the rain you hear me rain I hate you. You always come at the worst possible time. (he took out his cell phone)

It could be: Then the man heard some thunder and lightning and it started to pour. "Oh great," he ranted, "I just had to ask didn't I? Stupid rain! I hate the rain! You hear me rain? I hate you! You always come at the worst possible time." The man took out his cell phone.

See, it makes it clearer to read and as a bonus it can show the character's mood (I did love his line though it made me LOL)

Another good thing to do is to have spellcheck. There are a lot of misspelled words throughout the chapter(its bury not bary). "So bye and for both our sacks get some help." I think you misspelled sakes there. By spelling words correctly it adds to the quality of the story and makes it flow smoother.

You also seem to mix up a few similar sounding words with different meanings: Poor vs Pour, Seen vs Scene, Shuttered vs Shuddered, Throw vs Through, ect... You are also leaving out a few letters in words by accident: like mad instead of made or Import instead of important.

Spellcheck won't really help with that because since the words are spelled right it won't do anything. To catch these mix ups maybe you or someone you know should re-read it so you can fix these mistakes before the story is posted.

The next thing(but it's kinda my opinion though) is that the songs that you put in the story seem to be overdoing it a bit. I think its cool putting a song or two in there to add to the mood, but two or three lines of the song should do it. For the first song you added you put half of the song on there; it seems awkward and out of place, especially if you don't really know how the song is supposed to be sung.

Other than the stuff I pointed out I found this chapter rather funny. I hope you take into account of what I said please.

Have a nice day .

Netbug-Archive chapter 1 . 11/26/2010
Might wanna read the site rules...
Zim's-Best-Friend chapter 15 . 10/20/2010
Sorry it took me so long to review.

I loved this chapter . I've never heard that song, but I liked the lyrics, so manybe I'll check it out. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Zim's-Best-Friend chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
Awesome! I loved the songs :3

Sorry I haven't reviewed in forever...I got distracted with a couple other things. .'

Anyway, can't wait to read more!