Reviews for Solace
I-Love-Trunks1 chapter 3 . 12/17/2013
I thought this story was sad. It's really good that Tai was always there for Matt. I think they make such a cute couple. I'm glad this story had a happy ending.

I loved this story so much!
Psycho Weasel chapter 3 . 8/10/2010
This story is quite long, and there were times where I would get confused on who was talking at the time...but I am so very glad that I stuck around to finish it all. :)

I have to admit, that I too was feeling that Matt was relying on Tai a little too much to solve his problems. It bothered me how you made it seem like Matt was a bit of a wuss to not be able to deal with his own problems...however, once Matt told Tai to leave, I was screaming in my head, "WHAT? NO! MATT DON'T BE STUPID!" Thinking about this story now, I think Tai is right. Matt is a strong person and you portrayed both characters very realistically.

I can not tell you how much I have seriously fallen in love with this story. They way it was writen and the story it's self was like a master piece. Thank you SOOO much for writing it and I am so glad to have read it. Keep up the great work.
loe chapter 2 . 5/2/2009
... i know it's weird that i'm commenting on this, especially since it's so old. but this chapter really really moved me.

the last part was amazing.

and honestly, it's this portrayal of taichi that i absolutley love.

and the last part was something that should be made into a book or a movie. it was beautiful and i love this kind of interaction.

.. i honestly don't know what to say, except that i am in love.
reychop chapter 3 . 5/8/2008
A perfect piece! Now this is what I have been wanting to read. A story that follows a realistic life of a confused teen-ager struggling to make his place in the world.

The slow-developing romance is one of the best development in the story. The way it shaped as to how it ended is well-planned that it's almost like a perfect jigsaw puzzle made by a very clever toymaker. The narrative flow of the story gives you the exact detail of the occurrences and scenes in the story that it felt like watching a real drama in a theater.

The characterization is also impressive, as well as how you managed to fit the minor characters in the story. The relationship between Tai and Yama is also good. By how they compliment each other with their strength and weakness. The character's reaction to a certain occurrence fits well with his designated role and characterization as well as the effects of his decision to the story.

I don't know if the reason to Yama's bulimia is ok or just a bit too easy. But I think that if he valued the band more than his life, then I think it's quite understandable that a simple comment from a fan will make a huge impact on him.

I also like how you managed to keep the chapters long, entertaining and eventful. So, as to give the overall rating of this story, I should say it's 10/10

No loose ends, no plotholes, no questions, no doubts, just plain satisfaction for the reader. I think this is the first time I read a story that gave me this feeling. You also managed to keep the emotions, like angst, humor, romance and pain balanced, which is one thing that I liked about your story.

Your story is unique in its own way (and if you look at my favorites, I read 500 and above stories but this is the first one to ever gave me a feeling of satisfaction) Excellent job on this one! I encourage you to continue writing about stories like these, and more specifically, with this pairing. See ya!
Darkincarnation chapter 3 . 1/12/2008
*sob* *sob* OMG! This story was so good! Yet so sad at some parts, it had me in tears! I really loved the ending though. You are a really good writer and I only wish I could write half as good as you!
Darkincarnation chapter 3 . 1/12/2008
*sob* *sob* OMG! This story was so good! Yet so sad at some parts, it had me in tears! I really loved the ending though. You are a really good writer and I only wish I could write half as good as you!
GeneticRepo chapter 3 . 4/19/2007
...-SQUEAL- 8D OH MY GOD! That was so...(**) I can't explain it, it just made me so happy! I really really really loved it! The end was so...:D It was so awesome, when you think they were going to get together...BAM! It was a trick, but it all worked out! YAY!
CrayonTyrant chapter 3 . 11/2/2006
Aww, it was so cute! And nice and long, just the way good, loving stories should be. Full of
Nika chapter 3 . 8/17/2006
The best story I have ever read!

My and Yama's personality in this story is so alike!

Love the end of chap two the most. And the end

keep writing!
Em chapter 3 . 1/10/2006
that was a beyond beautiful story :) i don't know if this is the end because it didn't say anything but i loved it no matter what!
cutie4ever chapter 3 . 1/7/2006
*sits with mouth hanging open* That was the best fan fic i've ever read. you had just the right amount of angst. i almost started crying when Matt told Tai to leave. you are one of the best author i have ever read on this site. continue and i will definitely be reading more of your stories.
Mr. Penutt chapter 3 . 10/21/2005
Wow. I mean wow. I'm completely speechless. I mean It's 3:30 in the morning, I'm exhausted, I gotta go to school in the morning, and I couldn't stop reading. I had to finnish this story. You have an honest to god Talent my friend. I look forward to reading more.
x1-TaKeN-oVeR chapter 3 . 9/8/2005
tear...that was great. This was purely original and was wonderfully written. I'm glad that Yamato recovered from his bulimia and Tai was there to help. Wonderful story...I HEART IT!
The Crazed Artist chapter 3 . 4/21/2005
Beautiful! Please continue to write other stories!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/16/2005
wow. i'm left speechless. that was so good. i realli love the conflicts you had going on and the whole story in general was very good.
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