Reviews for Go Away
Dead account no longer here chapter 1 . 3/21/2013
damn. this is some movie shit. this was ober cooh.
Lamashtar Two chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Wow, that was a lot of condensed drama. Just finished most of your other Hetalia fics and I think this is your best. I have to echo one of the other reviewers and agree, the oddest thing is for all the affection for England, he ends up alone. At least France is there, FrUK forever hahahah! Oh god, it'll be hell..

The worst of it is all of these people could've just talked to England, tried to romance him. USUK didn't go one for 200 years after all, and they've had nasty cooldowns in relations. Apparently, everybody's love comes with conditions. France only loves England when he's under his thumb, Germany loves England as long as he follows conditions, and Japan loves England as long as he helps him rule. Prussia loves England when he's drunk. ;) England's colonies all love long as he's not in charge.

I've missed Russia, but I can't think of a buzzphrase for him.
Kairi Yajuu 2 chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
done... It... It's done... They're all... Dead... Everyone...WHOA! WAIT! Twighlight zone mode! If Canada made to where he never existed, then the machine wouldn't of existed in the first place and I'M JUST MAKING UP EXCUSES WWWAAAAAAAHHHH! *Sad face* wah... *sob sob; ish really crying*
random alias chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Awwww, without a happy ending it just seems unfinished but I still love it
Krytical chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
Wow, that was weirdly interesting story.
Preposterous-Puppet chapter 1 . 1/8/2011
Out of everything I've read in my entire life this was the most confusing yet captivating story. I would not look away until I had read the entire thing. Something told me Canada was behind it xD From the second I read the 'CC' On the machine. This is so sad in a very, very confusing way and I'm not quite sure what so say other than, beautiful, amazing, magnificent!

I hope to read more from you in the future~
Clock goes tik tok chapter 1 . 12/13/2010
Eaaaa,I start crying when there was Prussias photo,I was like : Nooooooooo!

Sad story :c but I liked it! :D Am I weird..? But however, this was so goood! I wanna read more fic's like this!
Swinny Fluviru chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
whenever i take wild guesses, it's always canada who's at the top of my head after ruling russia out...

JCJK chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
... I'm speechless. Absolutely speechless. Bravo, I like your work. It's good for a first time. But I like happy endings for Artie so sequel? Pretty please! XD
nocco chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
Whoa you can't end it here nooo..! I've thought that maybe it's just a nightmare or something I was wrong,,DDX because in my head if Iggy's tired of Al he would just go break up with him Everyone loved Iggy and he ended up alone what kind of irony is this I don't even;_; Bad Matt,bad..
cax chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Oh my. Oh my God. It's completed? Finished? Just like this? Wow. WOW! This must be the most impressive fanfic I've read in quite a while... I don't even know how to describe my current feelings or if I have a solid thought in mind at all. It's beyond speechless. Couldn't believe the ending was just as simple as that, no solution, no continuation, only the blank space upon Atlantic Ocean has been left. Yet I found the story very fascinating in a bizarre ironic sort of way.

So in the end Arthur had innocently lost those whom he loved and loved him back and that's that, nobody's total wrong. It might have been tragedy. But he didn't remember a thing. I'm not sure what to comment, something's missing.
MelodyOfStarshine chapter 1 . 10/15/2010
A very interesting little story XD You should write a sequel or something like that~ With the other countries returning :D I like it!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/15/2010

That was mind boggling.