Reviews for Heat of a Frozen Infatuation
katlingclaw chapter 2 . 2/1/2018
Akdjkdjfjd I was smiling through the whole chapter! The fact Kai blight Max a pair of gloves and realizing Max won’t be a problem after dessert is just so cute. I love how you write their interactions.
katlingclaw chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
I really love this! Kai/Max is a pair that I never really thought about but ended up being fond of and I think you captured them really well! I love your characterization. Kai bringing the hot chocolate justs warms my heart!
moonlightclock chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
It's been years since the last update p!ease update a new chapter soon I really a brilliant story to not continue it
adbhut chapter 13 . 6/7/2015
love this fic soo much! i love the way you end each chapter in a way that it would suffice as the ending (i kinda hate cliffhangers) and the time you take to let their relationship brew and slowly evolved their special friendship into affection and love. KaiMax all the way!Update soon!
AnonymousWriter chapter 13 . 4/21/2015
I absolutely love this fic, you write both Kai's and Max's characters so well!

Hope you update soon, I can't wait to read more of your work :)
Sam chapter 13 . 4/21/2015
Ah, you updated!
I'm so so happy, and it's such a good chapter!
I loved everything about it - that talent you have, and the way it seamlessly flows after so long, is just incredible.
Max's ease and eagerness, and his flashes of desire, against Kai's relatabe unsureness and touch of caution is really great. They're both so realistic in their different characteristics, and Kai's portrayal in this whole chapter was just amazing.
I really enjoyed it, and no matter how long the next chapter takes, I'll still be just as excited to read it, and I'll no doubt love it just as much too! Take your time, and I hope RL treats you better than it seems to have done in past.
Thank you again for such a wonderful story and new chapter!
CorynOfHoole chapter 13 . 4/19/2015
So glad that you are still updating this :)
Max/Kai is a pairing that can be difficult, but you do it well. Good luck in finding future time for writing! I look forward to it
animeartist123 chapter 13 . 4/19/2015
Oh my gosh, it's here! I seriously need a minute to actually stop and compose myself before I write this otherwise it'll just be me rambling like an idiot the entire time. This new chapter was absolutely perfect in every way. You kept Kai and Max in character the whole time and Kai's confession was the best thing ever. I lost my voice already from screaming and laughing and giggling like a weirdo since I saw the notification saying you updated. This was definitely worth the wait and I will totally wait however long I need to if I get to read more of this. This story seriously breathes life back into me. I was having a bad couple of days and I was sad and seeing this made me so happy again. I've never had a story be able to do that before, but this one always does.

Heat of a Frozen Infatuation means so much to me that I'm not even sure I can explain it. So much has happened in this one chapter and it's amazing. There was Kai finally being able to get Max alone and to confess to him and then all their little moments ( oh my gosh those moments. They were more than perfect.) I respect you so much as an author because I read this and all your other stories and I can see how hard you've worked. You inspire me to want to write and try my hardest every time and love what I do and I want to thank you for that.

This is my favorite story, hands down. When people ask me what my favorite story that I've ever read is, the first thing that pops into my head is Heat of a Frozen Infatuation. It's always on my mind, when I'm waking up in the morning or trying to go to sleep or even just going through the normal motions of my day. This is a story that will stay with me forever and I am perfectly fine with that. You're an amazing author and I seriously appreciate everything you do. Thank you so much for taking your time to write this up, it really is fantastic. I hope the rest of your days from here on out will be filled with the same happiness that reading this made me feel! I'll see you next time!
Hibisha chapter 12 . 11/24/2014
OMG! You HAVE to update! Don't stop nao! O.O
Minij Akane chapter 12 . 4/7/2014
I love this story, I enjoyed reading it so much. Max is just too adorable! I really like Kit too. Also I was happy to see that you added Tala in this one. I really can't wait to find out what is going to happen next!
MidnightStarr chapter 12 . 2/18/2014
Kai's emotional struggle is very well-depicted here; so is Max's upbeat, I-got-your-back nature. I really do love this story, and I can't wait to see another chapter.

Very good job! Please update soon; this fic is one of the very few yaois I can actually read :P
Guest chapter 12 . 2/17/2014
This is one of the most beautiful fanfics I've ever read! Kai and Max are such a lovely couple and you write about them so skillfully! None of them is out of character and the story is easy to read! Sorry about my clumsy English but I just had to tell you what a huge fan I'm of this story and you! Please continue writing!
MidnightStarr chapter 5 . 2/16/2014
Aww poor Maxie. I can't help but wonder if the girl who turned him down for being too young was Mariam xD Seems like something she would do hahaha.

Great chapter; again, I'm in awe of how well you keep Kai and Max in character.
MidnightStarr chapter 2 . 2/16/2014
THAT WAS SO CUTE. Counting cats because they sleep a lot, hahaha made me crack up laughing. Your Max is spot-on; love his characteristics, so in league with the show.

Awesome chapter.
MidnightStarr chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
I really like your Max and Kai in this; they seem to be kept in character, which is a rare occurrence in yaoi fics. :) The whole frostbitten thing and thawing Max's hands was just too cute to deal with.

Great job!
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