Reviews for Firsts
Micky's Girl chapter 3 . 3/8
atasteofarmageddon chapter 2 . 8/14/2011
"Juliet to my Romeo, Rose to my Jack, Allie to my Noah..." Hey now! What about "the Scarf of sexual preference to my Sorting hat"? It would have been epic.

I really, really like this fic; it's one in the morning and I'm basically asleep but I am going to finish it before I go to bed! chapter 3 . 8/3/2011
So normally I don't like too many outside references in other fandoms, but I felt like yours were quite tastefully added in. :) And, of course, the smut! Yeah. :D Too bad Blaine was raped :( But he saved Kurt! Yeah! And yes, I did have a lot of sugar before reading this.
DualWielding chapter 3 . 5/11/2011
Great story! Well written, interesting & articulate. I love how you kept the sex romantic and sweet (in character), but still really hot. Thanks!
BloodRedLust chapter 3 . 4/22/2011
Ok honey, i can now officially say that this is THE BEST M rated Kurt and Blaine fic i've ever found... and you mentioned you've written more? Gonna go stalk your profile. Thanks for sharing. :)
BloodRedLust chapter 2 . 4/22/2011
Hmmmm that way supermegafoxyawesomehot! But, even better than that... it was sweetlovingcaringkindgentle, just the way our boys always are with each other. Very nicely done. Can't wait to read the 3rd chapter... sorry, or you would have gotten a longer review. :) xoxox
BloodRedLust chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Wow, you're a good writer. Full on first chapter... but i guess that was the plan, huh? Scare the cr p out of us so we keep reading? lol, it worked. :)

Oh, this like rocked: He cooled himself off by envisioning Rachel Berry's animal sweaters—his own personal "mailman."

Love it. :)
fluffyllamas chapter 3 . 1/1/2011
Love it!
TeEnAgE-LoLiTa chapter 3 . 12/30/2010
This is supermegacute! lol Awww are you writing more chapters? You totally should! I loved them! Read you later? :D
unknownsomebody chapter 3 . 12/29/2010
Loved it!

AVPM/S really is the best thing everrr :)
VibrantAngel chapter 2 . 12/12/2010
awwww! So super cute! I loved it when Kurt called Blaine Honey! :D
Kiki chapter 3 . 12/11/2010
LoVeD tHiS!

The avpm quotes made me laugh every time and all the hp stuff XD and I love Ewan McGregor! Lol oh and for some reason I kept thinking of that song 'behind these hazel eyes' awesome song X)

anyhoowww YOU'RE AMAZING!

Keep writing

Kiki x
FutureAuthoress13 chapter 2 . 12/7/2010
supermegafoxyawesomehott? I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you've seen A Very Potter Musical/Sequel? LOL Harry Freakin' Potter! Love the story!
LaLaTink chapter 3 . 12/5/2010
Aww this fic is so adorable! You write them so beautifully :D
LaLaTink chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
Oh gods a pisaed off Kurt telling Karofsky to F off? *squeals* so hot! Lol just saying XD
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