Reviews for My One and Only
BlackStarDragonEmpress chapter 1 . 10/20/2019
I love this story. So poignant. I’m not a master writer by any means, but I felt that your execution of the concept was brilliant.

Something I noticed in one of the other reviews was a confusion over the placement of the marks on Yugi’s neck. And while only one may say it, many more may think it.

As an offered explanation, I would suggest to look at it as a strangulation mark rather than a hanging mark. The method of execution would be different, thus resulting in a mark that could be hidden by the collar. Since I certainly don’t condone suicide, I won’t explain the method that I thought of, but perhaps the change in perspective will help readers understand the placement better.

Again, I love this story. I’ve favorited an number of stories at this point, and this is one that I have reread many times, and will reread many more.
Luna Lillyth chapter 1 . 12/28/2018
This manages to be a rather deep story. It doesn't need to come out and say it, to confirm that Yugi did to himself or not. The old dread of what had happened, has a gravity in its own right.
(Though my mind keeps thinking of that one manga scene where Yugi is literally hanged by his own accessory, the rope used to keep the puzzle on his neck).
Guest chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Thank you for this touching short story. Hope you have a nice day.
Shinigami Merchant chapter 1 . 2/26/2016
This story really cuts deep, what Yugi had to go through before he met his friends or solved the millennium puzzle is something that no one should have to deal with
Kurami Rocket chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Wow. So unexpected and so sad. I absolutlely loved your writing. It was on spot and perfect :)
Moonlight Serenity chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
Wow! That was phenomenal! And so unique and unexpected! A great take on it!
Mysterious Prophetess chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Well done and you kept in character extremely well.
I have to admit, I am jealous.
1412 karasu chapter 1 . 9/3/2011
If what you implied was that he tried to kill himself... *sad face* My analytical mind cannot help but take control. If he tried to hang himself, the marks wouldnt be flat... (icant explain things properly... Ugh.) they would be vertical, because he was doing it to himself-nobody tried to choke him beforehand.

Also, how would he stop himself-would his grandfather have found out and taken him down?

... BUt thats not in the spirit of the ic, so ill stop.
midnite-republic chapter 1 . 6/10/2011
I really liked this take on Yugi's character as a lot of people seem to make Yami Yugi's only darkness but if that were true Yugi wouldn't be his own person by himself and he had a hard time himself before Yami showed.

Is it alright for me to point out that the first time the choker shows up in the manga is when Yami first shows up, I stil like the like it though.
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
poor yugi and luv yami
YUGIOH FAN 0 chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
sad :0) and amazing :.0) and btw what did mou hitokrito mean? i never understoood
Yizuki chapter 1 . 4/23/2011
A suicide attempt? But wouldn't Sugorukou know about that? What was it?
NitrogenFixation chapter 1 . 2/14/2011
I like it, as much as one can like things such as this. It makes Yuugi more human; he is as susceptible to his own demons, if you will, as anyone else. Being lonely amidst a crowd is one thing, but to be utterly alone can often be more painful, despite what is said. To have no friends, no one around, leaves you in a dark, dark place, no matter who you are; even if you're lonely around other people, your mind is still not left to itself, left to sink down into darkness.

A yami and hikari are supposed to be inverted versions of each other, correct? If Yami no Yuugi is a lighter sort of darkness, then what is Yuugi? You did a good job of giving Yuugi a darkness outside of Yami; it's an interesting, if sad, take on the collar, and it's well-written and comprehensible.
Canon Corruptor chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
Wow. Just... wow. I'd never considered the collar could hold such deep meaning. I especially liked the way you paralelled Yami no Yugi's contemplation of it to canon events. The reveal of hidden darkness within Yugi was also very well done. Overall, you have written an extremely interesting piece.
Phoenix0192 chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
WOW, that was amazing, i disagree about it being too obscure i though that it suited the story very well, and i liked the way you developed it.

I was thinking he had tried to slit his throat and hid the scar but the way you said "Marks that's plainly done by a length of all too obvious what it implied." It kept if far more real just leaving the reader to fill in the blanks. It was a very subtle move and it's nice to see people taking a route aside from the obvious one.

Very good job and i am interested to see some of the other work you've done.

Keep up the good work

- Phoenix
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