Reviews for Eastern Flower, Western Bear
Angelofmusic46 chapter 1 . 4/3/2017
I kinda recognize this as the story with Psyche and Eros, and the spin-off with that one but with polar bears, if I'm right. This is really good so far!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9/2015
Wonderful read, and beautiful characterization. Even more fitting considering that Russia is the bear...
Guest chapter 2 . 5/9/2015
Asdfghjkl your pairings...I'm squealing so much o

I love the characters that showed up, and the tale itself. The twists you put on the original story fits the characters quite well, too.
Amethystfairy1 chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Oh! Oh! I know! I know! 'East of the sun and west of the moon!' Northern legend that was turned into a novel called East by Edith Patou! Yay, hooray for me the book nerd! Well, even if you haven't updated in a while, I just figured you'd be happy to know someone knew what it was based on. That book is one of my favs by the way, nice choice.
Ace 0f Spades chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
Is this based off of East by Edith Pattou? :)
Catalyst chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
Sacre bleu is right, although it is very strong.

Meaning scacred blue; either water or Marie herself.

The strongest and most heartfelt swears in French are religious.
Kitaicat chapter 5 . 7/12/2011
Too lazy to log in, to impressed not to review! I get so happy upon finding well written RoChu, and this definitely made me a happy camper! Ugh I wish I had read and voted for this earlier for the contest! It reads just like a fairytale and is so adorable. I absolutely LOVE it. Each character was written really well, something I praise you for. I can tell you worked hard to produce something great, it definitely shows. You have an awesome style of writing and I just wanna draw something for this fic! Other than Kitaicat here, on dA my UN is Kurisuju... I'd feel wrong just drawing fanart without your permission orz i really dont mind a pm or note on either account... Though now Im regretting not logging in so thatd be more convenient orz back on track, i absolutely adore this AU, I shall definitely have to log in to at least favorite it [and read your other works] C8 keep up the great work, i really cant wait to see more from you... Especially for this couple C:
poppy-in-the-meadow chapter 1 . 4/26/2011 this story based off of Ice by Sarah Beth Durst? if its not...well, i tried. either way, points for RoChu!
mythaeology chapter 1 . 4/22/2011
Is this based on "The Polar Bear King" by any chance, aru? If so, great job! :DD
Liung Arkeanda chapter 5 . 4/17/2011
D'awww so good!

So Roderich was taken from Gilbert, Matthew from Francis, Lovino from Antonio, and Eirik from Oirin... who was taken from Tino and Berwald? And from Lukas?

Also, I dunno if it's just my DS (which I'm using to read this) being weird, but this chapter seems to have alot of messed up formattig. Like "ido/i" or something.
Liung Arkeanda chapter 3 . 4/17/2011
Ahahahah, toboganning is the best! It should be an Olympic sport! Canada would smushify everyone! Since we get so much practice! Though I agree with Denmark, climbing back up is super annoying.

What many people don't realize is reindeer aren't that big. We think they are because of all the christmas movies and pictures of them pulling sleds, but in real life reindeer, particularly domesticated ones, are only barely chest-height, if that. An adult trying to ride one would have their toes almost touching the ground. With horsee, the rule of thumb is that your horse's back should be just level with your eyes. The deer that is the size most people think of reindeer are Elk, one of the largest species of deer (moose being largest).

LOL Yao thinks the winds are demon deer, he's never seen muntjac deer! Those things have fangs! True facts! Chinese Water deer also have fangs, in an ironic twist of fate, so Yao is hardly one to talk about demon deer xD They're super-cute and friendly, though, so it's all good.

Babbling done. It occurs to me to ask, shouldn't Norway be the troll king? Being on good terms with trolls and all?
Liung Arkeanda chapter 2 . 4/17/2011
Cherie is the feminine form of dear. If Yao was a girl, Francis would say cherie. For the masculine form, it's cher. Ma cherie, mon cher. French is weird that way. Yay for bilinual countries! Glad to see my 9 years of mandatory French class can be useful. Blegh.

PS sacre bleu is a french curse. It means "sacred blue", in reference to Mary, Jesus' mom. Most french curses are religious in origin, and for a religious people, using them is very offensive. If you hear a french person say something that sounds like "un tabarnak" (don't know what the actual word is in french, just what it sounds like) they're using the worst swearword in the french language, talking about a "tabernacle", which is the cabinet behind an alter used to keep the Host in. So anyways, "sacre bleu" is very stereotypically french, but is alot more severe than what most non-frenchspeakers realize. Realistically, a more common oath would be "mon Dieu", meaning "my God".

French swearing lesson over, loving the story, moving on... Dx

I love how stylistically this is written, the diction is so... fairytale-like, I guess.
Liung Arkeanda chapter 1 . 4/17/2011
Mm, I read a book similar to this, Once Upon a Winter's Night or something... which in turn was based on another tale... Ah, but there's a greek myth super similar to this, except without the bear... the god just came to visit the girl every night. But in both cases, the manipulative sibling, the candle that dripped wax, all the same.

Can't wait to continue!
Askea chapter 5 . 4/13/2011
Oh, this is lovely! I'd been looking for a hetalia version of this story. You did it so well.

Russia and China is a pairing that I'm becoming more and more fond of. And I love the nordics as always.

This story is going to be both bookmarked and favorited.
da cookie of doom chapter 5 . 3/13/2011
Awwww! That was amazing! Very well writen. I fangirled at chapter four. Twenty stars!
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