Reviews for Sky is Falling
Guest chapter 11 . 3/4/2013
MyrtleFalls chapter 41 . 3/2/2012
YAYZ! I'm glad you did a epilogue! I can't wait to see the prequel...that was something that I was really interested about, their backstory because it was never fully explained. But I can't wait! This was a great story, and I'm glad it's continuing.

Also, on a random note: you know the Cooking with the Doctor things that we would do on our long-lost PM thread? Well, one of my friends who's on FF, (Cat lovers against the bomb, if you need to know,) and I have been continuing it, with maybe 3 times the randomness. Blackie (which is what we call her, her old penname was BlackCat711) myself, the Doctor, and an alien named Sam had a key lime pie battle. Sam and myself won. :D Anyway. Your French in this was really good...I've been taking Spanish since Preschool but I probably could'nt do that. I could say, 'Rainbow zebras,' though, or 'A magical piece of pizza with cheese, peperoni, and fresh sauce,' but I couldn't say 'will you marry me.' I could say, 'they went to a marrage chapel,' though. XD

Long story short, (Why is it that I always have super long reviews on your stories?) I can't wait to see your prequel! I will be awaiting it anxiously.
BewareTheIdesOfMarch chapter 11 . 11/9/2011
Yes, I'm reviewing this chapter. Why? Because I had nothing else to do. I know the quotes though! The potato chip is from Death Note and the birds on a wire is from Fruits Basket! Although you've already written chapter thirteen, so it doesn't matter.
StarrVenus chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
Hey guys, this is Abby. I'm on my main account currently.

I never thought people would be sad about our story ending! I guess we'll have to think of a sequel. But there is a long, cheesy epilogue coming up.

We were just worrying that the story was getting old. So we will take a small break and we'll think of new plots, prequels, etc.

Thank you guys so much!


And PS I am very happy that I'm not the only one who thinks Eggy is gross. I support Niggy. (NudgeIggy because I know Abby won't be in the last book... Lol. But I also support Nazzy. But I have a feeling that Eggy will happen... And after it does I will throw my book across the wall, only to pick it back up and get caught up in the finale...)
PrincessMargo chapter 40 . 10/3/2011
*Sob Sob* No more? Not even over brake or summer? Even if you cant update but once a month? Because I would totally understand and it would be worth it. I'm so heart broken right now, I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE WON'T BE MORE! What am I gonna have to look forward to reading to when I get home from geometry now? Like, seriously, I can't be the only one this upset, right? This is all I've been talking about for days. oh, also I was just curious, I thought Pyro was fire proof, or am I wrong? I don;t even know. But PLEASE at least think about doing some sequels? I cant say I'm a fan of 1 shots, but there better than nothing. So, Um yea. Since there AREN'T more chapters, just Pm me if you have time? That would be great.

~Rock on

PrincessMargo chapter 38 . 10/3/2011
Ok, so I have a few thingamajiggers.


2. I thought Pyro was flame proof? I sure hope I'm right. . .

3. I only have a few chapters left. I'm so heart broken D:

4. I love the bit at the end

5. I have invested 3 whole days (Minus school and stuff) in this story :D
SilverStar121 chapter 40 . 10/2/2011
Awwww it's an amazing ending! :D
SilverStar121 chapter 12 . 10/1/2011
MyrtleFalls chapter 38 . 9/23/2011
Nice summary of the events. Much more traumatic when you actually read it but.,...*shrugs* they have no choice.

You didn't give YouTube names, you know.

Update soon!
MyrtleFalls chapter 35 . 7/25/2011
*cries* Stupid's still sad even though I knew it was coming.

Yeah, I noticed you started one on your own, I read it and I like it so far. Maybe I could co-author as planned, I have an idea for the next chapter. I was thinking that Luna would tell them that they'd have to wait for the school year to start to see him, as he's 'away on buesness'. And then they get letters! BWHAHAHA! Anyways.

I watch Doctor Who, I know Doctor Who, except half the time it scares the poop out of me. Daleks are awesome though. I don't know why, they're just cool. The old ones. Not the new rainbow Daleks. The ones in that episode, the one right before Time of the Angels? I nicknamed them the Rainbow Daleks. I mean, really? Red and orange and yellow and blue are not exactly the colors for world domination. I half expected to see a pink Dalek. That would be hilarious. Pink Daleks...

Yeah. Also, David Tennant is and was the best Doctor. He was the awesomest, because the current Doctor seems kinda weird and un-doctorish, especially because he was a green screwdriver instead of a blue one, and he doesn't look like a Doctor. Although I like the quote of his, I don't know if I can repeat it correctly though I think it goes something like this:

"Do you know what a weeping angel is? It's one of the most powerful creatures evelution has ever made, and one of them is trapped in that ship, which is radioactive and might blow up in my face anyways and presuming it doesn't do that, I'm to expected to face it armed with nothing but a screwdriver and a torch. No, you are not coming with me."

That was funny, I have to admit. That's all I saw of that episode though, pretty much. That was in the Time of Angels, and weeping angels scare me like crazy. Most of the Doctor Whos scare me like crazy. But half of them are awesome, including the one entitled Dalek, and the one entitled The Doctor's Daughter. Jenny is soooooo awesome..."I've got planets to explore, civiliztaions to save, and lots of running to do. Oh yes, love the running." Hehehehehehehehe. And she can backflip through lasers. Anyways. Summed up: Doctor Who is good with me as long and it doesn't scare me to pieces. I've had like three Doctor Who based nightmares in a row before, although it's interesting because then I always wake up and it's the middle of the night, and then when I go back to sleep I dream about food network. I don't know what food netowork and Doctor Who have to do with each other. Once I even had a crossover dream: Doctor Who and food network. It was weird and creepy: there was this girl in a cooking competition, and before it was going she was praying that she would have help with this competition, because she needed the money, and then when the competition started, the ghost of her dead mother who hated her but was an excellent cook possessed her and took over her to cook and stuff, and then whenever she messed things up it yelled at her and then at the end they were critizing her dish and she said, "I'm sorry, but it was the best we could do," and then the judges said, "We?" And she said, "Me... and the ghost of my mother." It was freaky.


Update soon!
JustGoingWithTheWind chapter 35 . 7/23/2011
You made me cry. That's not nice. I don't like people making me cry. That means a) someone I like dies, b) Angel broke up with Buffy, c) someone I like almost dies, d) Angel shows up at prom, and then ditches Buffy afterwards, e) Alright. I cry a lot.

But good chapter!

THE BACON NINJA WITH WINGS chapter 34 . 7/23/2011
i think u should make matt go and cuddle her and maybe all the lights go out and maybe a make out session. oh crap, thats abby, not jessica... okay, never mind...

8O u gotta ipad! i do to! thats what ive been r&ring on... actually, i hardly ever get on the laptop anymore...
THE BACON NINJA WITH WINGS chapter 31 . 7/23/2011
hahahahahaha! ok, so fang and dylan are fighting like girls, and max amd maya are fighting like guys... okay, well, one time this guy kept following me around, asking/begging to go out with me, and i punched him... he fell backwards and skidededed a few feet... then one time, he was in a fight and they fought like girls...
THE BACON NINJA WITH WINGS chapter 29 . 7/23/2011
okay, i have to ask... was the banana thing from " always carry a banana to a party"? cos i really wanna know...

lol, luv ur story, but u should make the chapters wwwwaaaayyyyyyy longer, though...
MyrtleFalls chapter 34 . 7/20/2011
The sock, duh. Because I would wash it. Anyhoozles, good chapter. Also, you were talking about a Harry Potter fic...? I'm still open for that Harry Potter/Warriors crossover fic if you still want to do that.
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