Reviews for Improper Memories
Guest chapter 1 . 5/22/2014
Why are you so perfect?
lapaxlove chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
great description, so full of emotions and.. and.. I liked it a lot! especially the imagery of Tifa's chocobo slippers!
as usual you are a really good writer!
Ghibli Ninja chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
I don't know what to say to this... It drew so many emotions out of me. I could see the sexual tension in the background, but more importantly, I could see the raw love that Tifa had for Cloud and vice versa. And there was even some comedy! I especially loved the ending. Typical. One of the most cherished moments between Cloud and Tifa will never be acknowledged between the two because Tifa had threatened to kill if it was. It got me crying with laughter over my keyboard :D It just seemed like what Tifa would do in real life.
Aki no Ryu chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
That was really good. I almost cried over Tifa's act of selflessness so Cloud didn't have to be humiliated all alone. This was well done. The lust is there, sure, but it takes a backseat to the true, selfless love Tifa has for Cloud Strife.
Lartovio chapter 1 . 11/4/2011
Okay, here it comes. I've read all you VII fanfic in one night and I need to fangirl some.

Oh my gosh Cloud is so cute and so sweet. I love how you make him so innocent, and Tifa is so fearless! (Fished fangirling and actually reviews)

I knew he'd wake up and have bathwater all over the floor, I knew it! This one kinda worried me by the summary, but it was okay after all! Of course, there was that thing with Tifa... But we'll ignore that one. ;)

Thanks for the bits of two A.M. entertainment!
sakR9 chapter 1 . 5/25/2011
Did I mention before how 'I will end you' is me and my best friends' favourite saying? :D Instead of, 'I'm gonna kill ya!'

;) haha~ So I'm glad Tifa used it in her threat.

Just came back to fulfill my promise of a signed review~

I think the biggest compliment I can give you is, You make me like Cloti.

That's a rare thing, my friend

Thanks again for writing this wonderful little one-shot. I just re read it and I still love it :)!

sakR9 chapter 1 . 4/24/2011
oh my goodness, I love this!

I'll come back again later to write a signed review, but right now I can't stop myself~~

This was so good!

Cloud was just himself, really himself. He wasn't too impulsive, he annoyed me by not taking action at the end [i.e. kissing Tifa], and he had the needs of a man which he hid. Isn't that just Cloud?

What drew me to read this fic, apart from the summary, was the title :D I love it. Haha!

One thing I would be glad if you included is how Cloud's head was positioned exactly in the bath. Was there a neck brace or some sort of head rest? Otherwise he would have sunk, right? Maybe I didn't read it thoroughly enough and you explained his head's situation during the bathing, so I'm sorry if that's the case.

Tifa seriously took off her clothes to bathe him. OMG LOL.

But why was she crying? :'(

And p.s. I don't want to sound like a complaining whiney person but wouldn't Cloud have showered off all the mud, blood, and gunk before settling into a lovely bath? :D

I like how he kept Tifa's promise... like I said... SO Cloud

Thanks for this!
primela-chan chapter 1 . 4/20/2011
so cute, love it
J Luc Pitard chapter 1 . 3/31/2011
Well written!
pangpond chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Wow! this is so cute and so sweet! I like it so much _

Thanks for the story that made my day,good job for you!
Kyu-Momo chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Aww, that was cleverly done. And cute! Did I mention cute? Awwwww...!

I usually don't read cloti but the idea was just too much for my curiosity to avoid for long.

Great job! :D
Iris Irine chapter 1 . 3/26/2011
Lol never thought about that in that kind of light XD

Tifa's warning at the end cracked me!