Reviews for Bonds
Guest chapter 23 . 4/11/2017
This may sound odd but...Leon x Kaito?
Weirdo chapter 5 . 8/12/2016
Do Len X Kaai Yuki (This is my OTP)
Shnerdle chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
Th-that's so SAA(TAT)AAD! But it's really good.
StrawxCherries chapter 23 . 7/28/2012
Could you please do...





cloudy eve chapter 23 . 7/25/2012
I'm still reading-! And so happy that you updated
It's always wonderful to have my dose of cracky yet short and sweet Vocaloid pairs.
abipraya chapter 23 . 7/17/2012
short, yet so entertaining as usual yeah this fic deserves more attention. Perhaps people here ain't a crack kind of people.

Request? Big Al/Miriam perhaps? 8D or VY2/VY1...I mean, well, they're official Vocaloids, yet no one paid attention to both of them...

Still stalkin' this fic 8D
Huinari chapter 23 . 7/7/2012
So sweet! But did she go to the station to wait every time? Wow. Dedication.

I can't believe I didn't read this before... (-.-')

We can request pairings? Can I ask for Akaito/Haku?

Guest chapter 22 . 7/6/2012
ummh...nice but i want to read more!
glassdreams chapter 21 . 7/3/2012
I thought this was discontinued. (*cried silently in happiness*) Short as it is, it's nice. It shows some insight on Gumi who is not always happy and therefore not one dimensional.
abipraya chapter 21 . 7/2/2012
I seriously thought you were dead ;A;

Awesome as usual. This time's rather heartbreaking. Love the last line.

Will be keeping eyes for more update 3
Chinarose277 chapter 9 . 9/9/2011
I love the PikoxRin.

RainbowMiniskirt! Gakupo is pretty awesome, too. I think he should be separate from regular Gakupo, haha.

Good job! I really love this.
fukuji mihoko chapter 20 . 8/27/2011
Why is it called cereal? o:

But this one is really, really beautiful. I love the idea of an aloof, I don't need your help type Lily, and I've always liked Kaito being an adorable idiot, so this is just beautiful o: Somebody should write a full-length fic with these interpretations of these characters.

fukuji mihoko chapter 19 . 8/27/2011
This is absolutely friggin hilarious, and the title is amazing too XD SUNSHINE INDEED XDD
abipraya chapter 20 . 8/25/2011
Titles ain't so important, matey!

A lonely Lily. Hum.

And unrequited love. D:.

This drabbles getting more and more interesting to read. Sometimes, the crackier the pairing, the more it's fun to read.

I'm hoping you would write Big Al/Miriam. I don't know why. Just...because?

Keep on writing.
voidicium chapter 20 . 8/25/2011
Lily you meanie-pants T.T

Okay, hm.. i dunno who te request w

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