Reviews for Parent Worries
bmidd111 chapter 25 . 10h
1. Is this going to be updated regularly now? And 2. Are you going to continue The Ultimate Gathering of the Digidestined once you catch up to it in this story?
fanakatsuki chapter 25 . 8/5
I literally took a double take when i noticed this update in my notification.

Glad to see your return. I sometimes wondered if something happened to you.

Man i started following you back in 2013. Has it really been 7 years already.

Time is flowing fast.
Dr crow chapter 24 . 8/4
wow 9 years I'm surprised most writers abandoned a lot of stories this was made from 2011 wow
Lunarcentric chapter 25 . 8/2
Welcome back! I was really excited to get emailed about this update and I look forward to seeing more whenever you manage to get the time!
The DigiGnomes have certainly made things take a turn and I definitely wasn't expecting another Tai to show up, I can't wait to see where both of those things go.
Sprig chapter 25 . 8/2
oh wow~ congrats on your move and new job as well as getting new puppies! and i'm glad to see ya back here in the fanfiction world as well!
RayvenShade chapter 25 . 8/2
Welcome back! Yay for new update! Not so excited that the update has put an entirely different Tai into it. This is gonna get confusing.
Cipher Wise chapter 25 . 8/2
owo what dis? I never expected these fics to update but holy shit? Was i in for a surprise? As always, a wonderful job! Now, is this Manga Tai or Reboot Tai? Based on the comment after, I'm inclined to believe it's Reboit Tai :looking emoji: Many thoughts, head full
Guest chapter 25 . 8/2
Omg, omg- you updated! I’m so excited to go back and read this fic again! I was so excited when I saw this got updated, and I’m really happy you came back to it!
yuutojaden chapter 25 . 8/2
please continue
PK-GamingDrew chapter 25 . 8/1
Hmm, another version of Tai, I'm going to take a guess and say that this is the Tai from V-Tamer. If so OH YEAH! It's nice to see V-Tamer mentioned since it's so obscure.
missmartian369 chapter 25 . 8/1
OOP! This just made my night! (Morning lol)

We have another Tai Kamiya?!

Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Kinaki747 chapter 25 . 8/1
Well now this is a blast from the past. :)

Nice to see you again. Hope you are doing well in these times. I’m guessing the Tai who appears in the end is the one from the manga and who was paired with Zeromaru the Veedramon.

I’m curious, is this Taichi in a relationship or married to Rei Saiba? I’m asking because I honestly ship those two. They seem to have nice chemistry together. :)
PK-GamingDrew chapter 24 . 3/27
I really a this story!

Though I just ask, when will it be updated?
thunderofdeath97 chapter 14 . 11/19/2019
actually the mushroommon brothers digivolved together to be woodmon, who defeated kazemon, and was then defeated by lobomon
bmidd111 chapter 7 . 11/5/2019
You know that you wrote the word children four times in the last paragraph?
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