Reviews for The Mission Stays the Same
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
Hey Regina Dea, I hope you haven't given up on this. I will admit, I have some issues with some things, but I trust your skill to provide a good story, like you have been doing so far. Cheers.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/11
I know its been a while since the upload , but I just found this on reddit and I am loving it so far. Never thought I will enjoy a fanfic this much. Thank you!
Guest chapter 23 . 7/6
10/10 hope he gets to purge some xeno scum!
666Rik666 chapter 27 . 7/4
Can you add an Astartes? Preferably a really old loyalist from Traitor Legion? I mean, the mass effect guys have Yavik, like Izzakar Orr. Seriously, guy was trapped in Labirinth, slayed and later ressurected himself in 42nd millennium.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2
Как скоро следующая глава?С февраля месяца жду.
Dasgun chapter 27 . 6/4
Guest chapter 5 . 5/25
Holy fuck I can't bear to read any farther than this. The grammar makes me want to tear my eyes from their sockets, I feel like there's no editing on this at all, not even a little pass through to catch mistakes.

Moving on from the atrocious grammar, the characters. Honestly there's barely anything to talk about, but I'm going to do it anyway. They're dull wooden robots who brokenly emote and lifelessly spout exposition to each other. The Storm Trooper doesn't really act like he's from 40k at all, he's strangely emotionless and logical even in the face of shit he really should be making much more of a stink over. The Eldar is much less haughty and way warmer than I expected her to be for a long while.

Fem Shep is a blatant self insert Mary Sue who everyone likes instantly as soon as they meet her. In this very chapter she and the xenophobe bro it out like they're on the inside of a high school locker room right before a big game. Despite that fact that she had a xeno lover. And he's pretty fine with that for a man who should despise aliens and heretics like nothing else.

Everyone so far has been like this, and I can't figure out why. Why are they so lifeless, so passionless and dead in how they speak and act? Because they're cardboard cutouts of characters people already know, or are bland OCs the author hasn't really made me give a shit about and I'm already 5 chapters in. Maybe they get better farther in, but I'll never know.

I have no idea why this was recommended to me. This is worthy of Exterminatus.
Techpriest chapter 27 . 5/24
I’m glad to see this fic is still alive and kicking, and I hope to see more amazing chapters in the future.
Clearish Sky chapter 27 . 5/23
Mmm yes, a fine addition to my artifact collection, may even be the most valuable! chapter 27 . 5/17
да благословит Император нашего Августа...
Greatazuredragon chapter 27 . 5/15
Nice story so far, keep up the good work.
Gerich chapter 27 . 5/12
Неплохо, мне понравилось, буду ждать продолжение.
Pimity chapter 5 . 5/11
You should change the rating to K
Sadboi chapter 27 . 4/30
No update in 3 months. Seems like this story has been abbandoned again...
Sad face :(
Scoolio chapter 27 . 4/23
Poor August. It’s not even April yet, and he still suffers.
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