Reviews for The Tinsel War
Yvraine chapter 7 . 2/28/2012
You remembered me! 3 I know I disappeared for a while there, I tend to wander off for a while and then come back and gorge myself on fanfic. :) I searched you out to finish reading the Scone story and found this!
slightly so chapter 10 . 2/6/2012
Awwwwwww! Great story! I like Phil, he is quite brave with river!
MidnightIndigo chapter 10 . 1/7/2012
I suppose the Christmas season ended yesterday so I don't even have that as my excuse for reading this now, but it's amazing and there are so many feelings about it and it was completely hysterical up until the end and then I wanted to cry and then I was like, "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU I LOVE THEM I LOVE EVERYTHING."

So yep. That was how I felt about this.

Also, I absolutely love you have any other stories explaining her background? *goes to check*
Atanaa chapter 8 . 12/26/2011
Thanks :D

And btw I can read French but only speak it very badly! Merci beaucoup pour cette histoire. Bonne annee. Uh, no easyway to do accents :/
Brighty chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
I like River's PoV better than the Doctor's. She's more to the point and action oriented, like she's directly telling a story that is meant to recap an event. Her word choice while narrating actions very clearly shows how she feels in most cases, so there aren't as many breaks. (There are some, just not as much as Doctor PoV.) (Aside from when Phil asks something. Silly Phil! God love him.)

With Doctor PoV, it's like there's suppose to be an accompanying film and he's giving a comentary. He flat out tells how a certain situation makes him feel and freely flips around from action to thought to explanation.

When you write for either, it's very well done. :) I like how they're different; it shows your writing skill.

And both of them are just so hammy! Huge drama queens. I'm not sure who's worse! It's so funny to me. :D And it's even better because this hammy-ness isn't something you addded. They're both dramatic in the series too. The Doctor being all hyper and dressing up and geeking out when something cool happens. And River, who also loves dressing up and being the center of attention. (Seen Night and the Doctor? "HOLD ME!")

I just love you and love your writing. And love writing overly long, annoying reviews about your writing. And rambling.
Vilinye chapter 9 . 12/26/2011
I absolutely love the idea. Especialy because I can see Matt Smith doing that.
PrincessAndula chapter 9 . 12/25/2011 said such sweet things about me. You obviously don't know me, ha ha. Poor Matt Smith...I rather like him. For a few minutes I thought it was going to be the Moff at the door. You surprised me. Although I did suspect the reason for keeping the TV guide and the BBC away from the Doctor.

I have to say, I like your "Doctor voice" better than your "River voice" but it is also refreshing to hear things from her point of view. It's not something we often get.

Merry Christmas!
Vilinye chapter 10 . 12/25/2011
Now I have to go and read your stories with Jessica, cause she sounds like an OC I'd like.
madis hartte chapter 10 . 12/25/2011
Me: *realization dawns* So . . . sad! *starts to sniffle* *reads on* *realization dawns a second time* D'aaw. He really DOES care. _ And he's so awkward about it! Of course, this is what makes up for all of his other numptiness. That slightly flat champange and the Bounty.
madis hartte chapter 9 . 12/25/2011
HAH! I knew it! I KNEW it was him! Ooh, this is so exciting! :D
madis hartte chapter 8 . 12/25/2011
I think Steve the Silent did it. _
Random Ruth chapter 10 . 12/25/2011
That bit with Mr Smith cheering and being arrested had be giggling into my upteenth glass of Shloer. Thanks so much for this Christmas caper! :D
Brighty chapter 5 . 12/24/2011
Dawww! I got a star! :D Thank you! I didn't think you noticed me all that much. I don't review as often as most! I'm honored.

Had to stop and tell you that! Reading on.
Random Ruth chapter 7 . 12/24/2011
I wonder who the lanky fello sans eyebrows is? Oh, this just gets better. I've said that before though, but it's still true. And I loved the jokes about the Doctor and Rory not wanting to watch Jane Austen and would rather see a the Gruffalo. Sounds like every house in the UK.
Random Ruth chapter 6 . 12/24/2011
Aww, thanks. Just go and put a massive grin on my face on Christmas Eve, using my favourite chapter so far because it's all the Doctor being kind to the kids. I mean that even though it probably reads as sarcasim, it isn't. You diserve a whopping great THANK YOU and I'm sure Santa will let you have one of his extra cookies, because when he visits my house I will make sure he does. Merry Christmas, Sally... and I'm still grinning. Don't think I'll bother stopping. Quite nice actually. Having a chapter as a present. I'm still grinning...
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