Reviews for Proximity
rosacurie chapter 6 . 5/20/2018
I feel like I'm Hazel Grace from The Fault In Our Stars when she went to meet the writer Van Houten to get more information of the ending of his book. Maybe I'll just read your other stories as well, so I could bother you a little more. (Not really, I'm not annoying on purpose.)
Your story just drips pure sexiness and we didn't get more than this. It's just sad but I'll live with it and leave you some nice review to think about.

You've created a cute, but not-so-innocent character of Lithuania. I think her complicated relationship with terrifying Belarus is well portrayed, as it's not easy to write about such a relationship. (Unless you've had one of that kind, which I hope not). And honestly, male Belarus is hot (and god, Nikolai sounds like a hot hot hot name) and I'd love to read more about him.
And what's that thing with him and Russia? Why did Nikolai sound like he was actually little turned on by Elena? How is their relationship going to develop? Is it going to be as unhealthy as now or will it's type change?

God, don't leave us hanging. I adore you.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
Plz I beg you continue!
foreveralone chapter 5 . 4/2/2017
The Squid chapter 6 . 6/9/2016
So let me get this straight, you created a rather intriguing story that involves the concept of stock syndrome...and you don't finish it? Lack of inspiration, I can understand. Losing a flash drive, I can understand, but just calling it quits when the story is getting interesting? Friend, I can honestly tell you there is nothing that bothers me more than a person that creates an interesting story, keeps the reader at the edge of their seat, but doesn't bother to finish the darn thing. Now I could go on and on about how this infuriates me and do nothing but complain about it, or I complement you on the work you've so far and urge you to continue on with it. Whether or not you actually read this is up to you. For all I know maybe you've decided to move on in your life and seek something past writing fan fiction. If that is truly the case, the least you could do is put the story up for adoption, or you could simply try to finish it. I'll be honest, anyone can put a story up for adoption and maybe someone will come along and finish it themselves, but the truth is, it would not be the same. It would be like filming a movie, but having to change directors half way through filming. The sets would be different and the tone would change. Only you as the writer knows how this story is going to end, are you going to see it through? The stage is set, the story is on pause, all you have to simply press play.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/3/2015
Asdfghjkl My math teacher's name is Mr. Wong...
2pcsJTtdZjr8x7mY chapter 6 . 2/28/2015
... This is sooo weird. This isn't how a healthy relationship works xD
But it's still interesting to read, I hope that she will get a bit more spine, and actually slaps him in the face xD Because he deserves that all right he's creepy xD
Great job! I'm a bit sad that there isn't anything more, but if you ever write something for this again, then I will definitely read it! :)
2pcsJTtdZjr8x7mY chapter 4 . 2/28/2015
No. OMFG this isn't happen?! The share a room, OMFG he's going to murderer her when she sleeps!
Alfred do something. Safe her, your a hero right?! I'm going to die, this is the worst case scenario.
This is the worst case scenario! But I love this story so much xD
I'm weak xD
2pcsJTtdZjr8x7mY chapter 2 . 2/28/2015
Yeah you go Elena! :D
Follow your dreams and shit! You ain't a soviet-bitch anymore, so tell that awesome mother*cker of!
I'm enjoying myself waaaaay to much xD
And OMG I want Poland to be my gay friend. xD
C436 chapter 1 . 6/29/2014
I love your nyo version of both Belarus and Lithuania. I also love the way you don't make Ivan some creepy rapist like so many other fics do. It's been a couple of years but I hope you will start updating this fic again because I just love it.
FlySky35 chapter 6 . 11/12/2013
Is there going to more? I really hope so Its a very good story :33
BriBenitez chapter 6 . 6/8/2013
PLEASE WRITE MORE CHAPTERS FOR THIS STORY! I've never read such a good fanfiction with this pairing before. Please continue writing this!
LeitBel Lover chapter 6 . 6/3/2013
Omg! This story is amazing, I especially love nyotalia LeitBel. Though I really liked how you captured the characters so well. Seriously, this is how I would see them behaving and responding to one another. You have to continue! Don't let your talent go to waste by not finishing this amazing story! Please update soon
Guest chapter 6 . 5/11/2013
I check every week to see if this fic is updated...
Some stranger chapter 6 . 4/26/2013
Not to sound annoying but...PLEASE CONTINUE! I love this fic. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/24/2013
I feel so guilty for loving this fic and ship (I'm a Poliet fangirl)
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