Reviews for Here You Come Again
ghfan51184 chapter 6 . 4/9/2019
I like it, and I think there's still so much to tell. I know you don't get a lot of time to update, and that's why I follow your stories so that I can get the updates. because you don't update everyday, so the emails from fanfiction that I would get, I'll know I'll look forward to as soon as you update them. I've been addicted to your Strong medicine stories, and I think part of that is because lifetime doesn't air the episodes anymore, and I don't have enough money to afford the seasons that I'd want on DVD. :( Your fanfictions are the next best thing. Unless, you have a webcite that I can download them from? That would be awesome!
ghfan51184 chapter 5 . 4/9/2019
I'm glad they resolved things so quickly. I am surprised that Andy feels so ready to move this quickly and make love to Les.
ghfan51184 chapter 4 . 4/9/2019
I guess Les isn't so good after all. Poor Andy. She can't catch a break. She loses Milo, and then, Les comes and she's willing to go on a date with him, they have a nice time, all the while, he has a girlfriend. Boy! Poor Andy's going to be in for a rude surprise and will probably end up being humiliated, and that's not what she deserves. Now, I don't like Les.
ghfan51184 chapter 3 . 4/9/2019
I liked that chapter, and I love Chris Young, and that song. I have that album! I'm glad that Les and Andy are taking things somewhat slow. I like that they're talking about everything, and the fact that when they went to the bar, he was singing to her. Very cute. I wish we could have seen that soft side to him before things got bad between them.
ghfan51184 chapter 2 . 4/9/2019
In the beginning, I liked Les, and it wasn't until the episode, Orders (I think that's what it was called when Andy's parents came and her father had the degenerative condition) that I noticed Les's verbal abuse to Andy (when I rewatched it on your youtube channel). I'm interested to see where you take this story. I also prefer Milo too, so I'm kind of hoping that you'll make Les the bad guy in this, but since Milo's dead in this story, I'll settle for Les being nice again. I loved Lana's reaction as she was reading the note that Les left Andy.
ghfan51184 chapter 1 . 4/9/2019
So far, I like the prologue, and when that episode aired, I too thought that Les was being so sweet after finding out that Milo died. I knew Andy was sad after he left and wondered what would have happened if he decided not to leave. I liked in your fanfiction, she wrote the email saying she loved him, and he said it back. I also think that Jesse and Lizzy will be happy to know that they are going to try to get back together.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/29/2018
Great work! I think Andy should let go of Milo and re-commit to Les. (Especially with Milo's passing.) And maybe you could bump the romance rating up? I love long relationships that remain sexy, spicy and fun! Thanks for posting!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
Andy Campbell was an asshole in the series.
kitcat19us chapter 3 . 5/29/2013
great story