Reviews for And You Love Her So
Wonderland Queen chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
Bittersweet; perfect
sleepy queens chapter 1 . 9/14/2013
Wow! I loved this! xx
jilyspottering chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
You are a marvellous writer.
That Panda You Know chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
The last 3 sentences broke my little heart );
Speeder9319 chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
Aw, that is so sweet, everyone paints their relationship in a depressing way, but this was equal parts sad and sweet.
Love it!
IWishIWasAWeasley chapter 1 . 1/5/2013
I cried reading this. Like, big, fat, devastated tears.
I'll never forgive J.K. for killing Fred. This makes it easier though.
Your writing is beautiful.
MaryLouise1996 chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
I was reading this with tears just running down my face. It was beautiful.
gingee2 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
so cute, i love the 2nd person pov it was very effective
Fulgance chapter 1 . 4/13/2012
So I'm sort of reading this and "She Writes and He Paints" at the same time and something pops out at me... you have the kind of flowing writing style I love and once tried (and failed) to emulate. You pull of long sentences with "and... and... and..." without a hitch. The sentences fit together so seamlessly you make it look easy.

Doesn't hurt that it's a beautiful pairing, either, because George is so messed up he's beautiful. "You're both livng for him" just completely sums it up and...


Yeah, that's it. Woah. This was pretty... powerful.
theredrobin chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
I blame you entirely for make me teary. It's been nearly 5 years, and you'd think I would have gotten over it just a little in all that time, but you'd be wrong.

Thank you for giving George comfort.
LadyRuthless chapter 1 . 3/26/2012
You deserve more than five reviews so I'm writing one.

This is the best Angelina/George I've read.

Makes it kind of obvious the way you write it.

Thank you so much for posting.

Iawen Londea chapter 1 . 3/22/2012
A friend recommended this story to me. (Not even so much of a recommendation as a demand that I HAD to read it. LOL.) It was wonderful. Powerful emotionally, and hard. Luckily I already had a tissue warning. LOL!

Anyway, you wrote George's grief really well, and his emergence from being lost in it. The guilt George had at doing anything without Fred is so real. I loved his deciding to live for Fred and do all the things for him that they wanted to do. I also loved how you wrote their twin relationship-how George had never smiled or laughed without Fred's presence before and how everything Fred had wanted to do with his life, he and George had planned to do together. Wow. This packed a punch.

I'm also impressed at how you pulled this off in second person. I almost never like second person stories but I enjoyed this one a lot, because you wrote it well. Good job.
please delete account chapter 1 . 3/22/2012
That was beautifully done. It was all in one. It was sad to read but all in all, it was brilliantly expressed. Nice piece!
et-tu-lj chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
Oh my god, this is beautiful. 3 I'm tearing up as I hardly ever do over a fic, and it's just amazing. Second person works perfectly to get the strange disconnect of feeling half of what you've always been, suddenly incomplete. You made an incredibly difficult POV work, and created such layered, complicated emotional reactions that the technique disappears behind the story you're telling.
StellaMarieee chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
I don't really know if I can coherently review this through the tears streaming down my face. George/Angelina is my canon OTP, I love them so much. This is definitely going into my favorites. I love the way it's written, I love the ending (that last line, ugh perfection), I just... love it. Amazingamazingamazing job. :D