Reviews for Lily's Second Chance
guest chapter 3 . 7/6
IMO, Ravenclaw is probably Snape's natural (birth) home because of his brilliance (fanon, it's true). He, like HP, was forced to develop his Slytherin traits very highly in order to survive to Hogwarts age.
hule chapter 1 . 3/26
Now I got greedy and wished you would come back to this story too.
MossSwan chapter 5 . 3/25/2019
Yeah... Well actually now it's been eight years. So maybe put abandoned in the title, or put the story up for adoption.
marthapreston4 chapter 1 . 2/19/2016
wait who sent her back
wavedancer70 chapter 3 . 10/27/2015
Please update this story it awesome
excessivelyperky chapter 5 . 5/23/2015
Well, at least they are in Ravenclaw, where Severus can interact with other boys who are both intelligent and socially challenged, and he doesn't lose points by being a half-blood. He may have more friends than Lily thinks, at least later on when the whole House discovers D&D (well, it could happen). And the staff actually pays attention when he's being attacked, which is more than they would do if he was in Slytherin.

Lily is still having bad dreams, and Sev is overly optimistic about the outcome, but he wants to comfort her. But that horrible future is starting to move away from her, I think.
excessivelyperky chapter 4 . 10/2/2014
Yes, life is quite different for her in Ravenclaw than in Gryffindor; the kids actually more or less study in that house so far.

And yet, Lily's memories keep trying to creep through, especially what she's lost.
excessivelyperky chapter 3 . 9/11/2014
Yes-this time Lily learned something about the Hat, and more about the different Houses than she did in canon, and though Severus was never going to go to Gryffindor, not with James Potter and Sirius Black going there, Ravenclaw is a very good compromise for them both.

Plus, Dumbledore never pays attention to what goes on there, which will lower their visibility.
excessivelyperky chapter 2 . 8/20/2014
I hope Lily doesn't think that she has to stop being friends with Severus right away in order to change things to save Harry.

But she should have told Sev that he ought to try for whatever house she gets if she isn't Sorted into Slytherin.

Then again, perhaps she'll think that this time she has to make friends with James and his lot right at the beginning.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
What a great beginning! I don't think Lily realizes how much is probably going to change, though, and how much she will end up sacrificing to keep Harry alive-but I suspect she'll find out.
Alethea27 chapter 5 . 9/5/2013
I'm sorry that you appear to have abandoned this story. I hope you haven't because it's started off really good and caught my attention right away since it's rare to see a story where Lily decides to go back and only retains a few memories from her previous life and they're fast fading. I hope you will consider working on this again because I'm really curious to see how it turns out. I don't think Lily and Pothead will be getting together here and who says Harry can't be born to a different couple anyway?
DarkViolet7258 chapter 5 . 1/25/2013
I wonder if Harry will be born at all...
tricorvus chapter 5 . 12/5/2012
I like that conversation there. I mean, you got it right, that he was underestimated, at a time when he'd only been in power since Lily was 8, 9 years old; so 2, 3 years tops. Wow. Yeah, I can see that.
I really like this. The dialogue feels authentic. You must study and listen hard when people talk, to get it like that. My hubby writes very wooden dialogue that feels forced. I keep telling him to listen to the flow when people talk...
Rock on!
Professor Radar chapter 5 . 12/5/2012
I hope to God Lily chooses Severus.

Her dreams/memories are getting blurred because her future is changing from her previous life. Surely Lily should've realized that going back in time would change many things- if not everything. Then again, Lily- like the stereotypical Gryffindor- tends to act before thinking.
hule chapter 5 . 12/5/2012
Sorry to hear about your problems. I had to reread the story, could remember at first. I am glad you are back, though. This chapter is a bit eery, the rest was lovely to read again. Hope you find time someday to finish your other stories too ("Love Potion..."!). I just love your stories!
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