Reviews for Ned Stark Lives!
daspeedforce chapter 16 . 7/5
Varys serving as his plot armor is absolutely ridiculous. Varys is by far the most stupid character in your story. Even more stupid than Joffrey. Petyr isnt pulling money out of nowhere, he is clearly stealing it from the crown. His whole Blackfyre/Targaryen plot turns to shit because of the heavy dept Baelish's existence brings. Even if they win, the iron bank will act, and bye bye Blackfyre/Targaryens. Smh Varys is beyond retarded.
kshargreaves7 chapter 45 . 6/20
Absolutely amazing man. I read through this so fast. Can't wait to start part 2. I always wondered what would have been if Ned have lived. So this was right up my alley. Great work.
Phoenix4416 chapter 27 . 5/11
Holy hell, this is such a brilliant reimagining of the Battle of Blackwater to the point it has now got me rooting for the lannisters more than the starks.
Phoenix4416 chapter 11 . 5/10
I rarely post a review without reading the full story but damn, this is bloody brilliant. The story so far is superbly written and reads like I would expect Martin to write with a strong structure and steady character and story development. It's seems obvious that you have an English or creative writing degree, quite possibly a masters. Well done
jltavare chapter 45 . 3/25
This has been the absolute best ASOIAF read not written by GRRM. Thank you so much!
Gendie01 chapter 10 . 3/23
I don't think you get how these sorts of things work.

Tywin has the stronger negotiating position here. If Ned would work with him, then he'd kill Ned and use Arya as a hostage to get the Young Wolf to stand down.
areviewer chapter 28 . 2/11
This is so great so far, shelly njoying the plot and you write well. I just feel that it's out if character for Cat to have warmed to Gendry so fast. Catelyn Stark would never be so quick to agree to a bastard for her daughter. She's proud and her character is deeply rooted in tradition and propriety.

Also, there are times you use the awkward "Riverlands lords" when you can just use "Riverlords". Otherwise fantastic so far.
GNB chapter 45 . 11/13/2019
Thanks for your awesome work! I don't even know how could i miss this story for so long. Going to read next books from you. Keep writing and be happy!
Rachelie chapter 45 . 11/2/2019
Amazing idea and amazing story! Well written and an interesting plot.
Guest chapter 45 . 9/9/2019
I started reading this as I was finishing reading game of thrones. I love this story, I'm now a bit confused as the book and this has merged. I really hope Bran flies. Thank you for writing this wonderful story and I can't wait to read the next two parts, I'm going to the next one now
Osiris'Solace chapter 45 . 7/6/2019
This was such a great story! I really enjoyed it and I honestly wish that this was the direction that they had taken game of thrones in instead. can't wait to read part 2
orionastro chapter 45 . 7/3/2019
amazing story , i love it , let see part 2
Guest chapter 21 . 6/3/2019
An interestesing story. It makes an interesting comparison to that of the source material, and though there are some continuity errors, it is for the most part, a good story. I have one main problem:
The Arya/ Gendry relationship is boring and repetitive. They are also written to be way too overpowered. Gendry has never been trained to fight in his life and Arya is still young. She had only just begun her training when Syrio was killed. And somehow the 2 of them take out 6 ironborn soldiers. Arya does become a very skilled assassin, but it was not only from her training with Syrio.
mugglesftw chapter 45 . 5/28/2019
Final Review:
Overally, this is a good story. The action is decently paced, the characters are pretty solidly written, and the ripple effect does an alright job of spreading out and causing some big changes. I especially like how the war between Stanis and the Lannisters was handled, with a good shift in the balance of power and quite a few dramatic changes in results.

That said, I have some issues. The big one is how characters talk. They don't talk like medieval lords and ladies. They use words like "crush" and "boyfriend." The exception weirdly enough is Eddard, who does seem to talk like I would expect him to.

The second is how rapidly the Gendry/Aria romance develops. There was no hint of this in the books aside from perhaps a mild infatuation on Aria's side. She's 10. Gendry wouldn't really be interested in her, and she in him. They should simply have been close and friendly, not in love. Aria especially is way to young.

Last is that things turn out way to happy for the Starks. They don't ever seem to have any real setbacks. More should have gone wrong for them, from Sansa being held hostage to the Frey's being far too compliant.
All in all, I give this story a C. Good action, good characterization, with a few flaws that drag it down.
mugglesftw chapter 44 . 5/28/2019
Not a bad move turning this into a religious war. Let's see if Stanis can win a hearts and minds game.
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