Reviews for Pro Patria Mori
Lamashtar Two chapter 4 . 6/12/2013
I swear I've read this before, so I'm puzzled why I left no review. Possibly it was during the time I was too stubborn to make a new alias and couldn't remember my old password.

In any case, this is such a lovely fic. All the personal interactions bring spice to the history. So many complications, Old Europe was such a chess game.
takelo14 chapter 4 . 2/18/2013
Oh I'm so excited for the rest of the fic!
I absolutely love the history of WWII.
Haha even tho ik who will win, because prussia is my bias i fin myself rooting for him! . Thanks for writing chapter 4! Good luck with your studies!
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 4 . 1/28/2013
Ah! Finally!
Hungary, ah Hungary... All I can say is YES, YES, and YES!


Okay, now I REALLY need to see them meeting.

ps. LOL, the element of surprise. When I think of those incidents, Europe in my mind is always symbolized by a big "D:"
Seileach chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
Yes, it's been a while, but worth the wait! I love fics that focus on the nations as Nations, with the history and the ways in which their experiences differ from human experiences, etc. Thank you for updating and I'm looking forward to more!
coeurgryffondor chapter 4 . 1/21/2013
Gurl! You make it worth the wait. Let me go section by section for you:

Belgium: baby! I do love how the women in Hetalia are all so strong. Belgium thinks of her brother, of her people, and then just lifts her skirt high and gets on with what she has to do. Nothing is stopping that gal.


England you are stuck between the probably reality you know will be and hope that you can believe this will be over by Christmas.

Hungary and Liechtenstein, how perfect. I love Hungary but you knew that already and you captured her perfectly, the soldier but still a w wife defending her husband. And Liechtenstein knows it too; again, the women are all strong, they understand better than the men most of the time.

Canada you babe, you're so sweet and too good for this world.

I love Austria feeling uncomfortable in his uniform. I also love panicking that he's sick before realizing nope, Hungary was again is having the best of him because she wears the pants in that relationship and though Austria might like to pretend that isn't the case, it is. It very much is.

Germany you little adorable boy I want to smack, and big Brother Prussia too! Ugg, feels!

France, stop, I can't! I can't!

I particularly like the anecdote with Prussia, and how that parlays into Russia. It's also a great ending for this chapter and sums up everything else beautifully.
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 3 . 11/24/2012
Ah, finally I got to read the third chapter, finally! *sigh*

Gilbert waking up to the smell of alcohol?! haha, in all drama, I had to laugh at Oh, and his behaviour towards Roderich was truly a sight XD

This was the first time I've read something featuring Belgium- and made me look forward to see her in the.. following events. DX

Can't wait for the next chapter! :D (will be quicker at reading it, promise XD)
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 2 . 10/28/2012
Ha, the funny thing is, I was just listening to Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy on glass armonica XD (I have been for a week now, though, lol, can't control myself XD)

The very capable Prussia, the ballet-loving cute Russia.. all so beautiful. I had to smile at Hun-Au fight, sounds so very natural XD Somehow it's a rare sight, though it's pretty damn logical (I mean, how long can a woman like Hungary be so obedient? XD)

"My dear Kiku" cracked me up, haha. It sounds oddly warm coming from Arthur (I know that's pretty standart, but still..XD) kind of hilarious to imagine him writing it XD
Oh god, him suddenly burting out "the frog face" in that gentlemanly talk.. XD
Trio's meeting was so good! And may I just say I love you mixing Picasso in! And France going after one specific piece of art, how very fitting XD
Very interesting approach to Ivan in the last part. I can totally see him behaving that way.

And as always, wonderful blend of creativity and accuracy!
uhuhuhuhuhuhu chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
First of all, I can't tell you how glad I am to see Prussia and Germany having amazing interaction WITHOUT GETTING IT ON. That "pairing" irks me to no ends AND I'm quite the sucker for decent brotherhood stories of them.
I love your Prussia TOO MUCH, by the way. What you write is incredibly fitting with historical background, too.
Breathing Fire chapter 3 . 9/25/2012
Your portrayals are nothing like I've ever seen. Breathlessly waiting for more.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/9/2012
Why does this not have more reviews? It's great! I love historical fics. You do a great job of conveying everyone's emotions. I was on the edge of my seat when Belgium was confronting Germany and Prussia because I was afraid of what they might do to her...I love the telegraphs between England and France; they reminded me of Mithrigil's fic "Never Before", only that was between America and England...I'm really looking forward to more of this!
coeurgryffondor chapter 3 . 7/9/2012
The opening for this was my favorite, mainly because I knew everything else but that, that still gets me. Plus I love the AusHun moments. Roderich definitely needs a drink.
coeurgryffondor chapter 2 . 6/20/2012
Still love this, the end is my favorite though I adore the Austria/Hungary fight.
coeurgryffondor chapter 1 . 6/4/2012
So excited to finally see this in its final form! And the long author's note. :D