Reviews for the next will never come
ryebrewster chapter 26 . 2/7/2019
Stumbled upon this again after all these years and I still love it, and am still heartbroken it never got its HEA. I already know the answer, but I will cling to hope like the dandelion in the spring. Will you please come back?
nandy7781 chapter 34 . 10/22/2018
Came upon your story again. In the back of my mind I knew it wasn't finished but I got caught up in it again. Waiting patiently for your return.
Jenny Willis chapter 1 . 10/21/2018
The sex is awkward and fumbling, which strikes me as exactly as it would be. And no simultaneous crashing orgasms like every other M fic - also pretty realistic. Enjoyed the glimpse of what normality might have been like for Everlark IF neither had been reaped. Although somehow I think it would still have been difficult for Katniss to let her guard down.

It’s just a shame that this beautiful AU is so unfinished... come back! We need a roasting here!
BreadInHotChocolate chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
I knew this was unfinished when I started, but I couldn't stop reading. I really like this Katniss a lot more than the Katniss that has been jaded by the games. She's still Katniss, but allows herself to feel instead of pushing it all down and ignoring it. Peeta is still perfectly Peeta, and it's nice to see how charming he can be when Katniss let's him. I like that he is still a little sarcastic and humorous. I loved the movies and Josh Hutcherson, but I've always felt they lost Peeta's personality a little bit...his sarcastic and sometimes a little cocky nature (for example, in the book when he says "We're supposed to be madly in love so feel free to kiss me anytime you want."). I like that you've kept Peeta true to his book character. Its probably hopeless, but I do hope that you come back to finish this story someday, even its it just a couple more chapters to wrap it up. I'd like to think Katniss finally allows herself to love and marry Peeta, but there are still so many other loose ends! Here's hoping!
10yearsofTHG chapter 35 . 6/19/2018
This is such an amazing story. It's truly a shame that it remains abandoned after so much thought and consideration was put into the details by the writer. :(

Hopefully with the tenth anniversary of the release of the first book of the The Hunger Games series approaching soon, some former THG fanfic writers will feel inspired to return and complete their unfinished works.
Anne-Lilian chapter 35 . 12/13/2017
Huh, strangely, I remembered this being a finished fic. Weird.
Anyway, lovely chapter, amazing story!
I know you haven't updated this in *does mental math* almost exactly 4 years, but I'm still holding out hope.
I also kind of wonder about Prim's relationship with Astrid. Like, it'd be great to read some little snippets about their relationship. But oh well.
I do hope you'll continue this.
Anne-Lilian chapter 3 . 12/12/2017
Okay, so I've read this before, but then forgot the title, and I've been searching for this fic for a few days now. I'm so glad I managed to find it again. I love this story so much!
Don't worry, I remembered to put it on my favorites list this time!
I look forward to rereading the rest!
nandy7781 chapter 35 . 11/3/2017
Hope your gonna write more!
deltagirl74 chapter 35 . 7/10/2016
I love this story. I really hope you feel motivated to continue with it one day.
Pari B chapter 4 . 3/30/2016
That was a twist that I was definitely not expecting and was so pleasantly surprised! I love that you chose Prim for this because she is at an age when many children start questioning their sexuality and who they are.
My heart breaks for this poor little girl though because I can't imagine that a Merchant girl like Astrid could ever make it through the Games. It's a doomed young love and it's context makes it all the more tragic.
I always think stories like this are important because in societies as traditional as I imagine 12 is, there will always be people outside of the accepted 'norm' who will be forced to live these 'half lives'. Either they never come out and have to settle for being alone or worse they're forced into loveless partnerships. There's another fic called 'The Trouble with Betrothals' that's the only other story that explores this topic of being gay in 12. For readers that struggle with similar issues I think they can find some solace in reading some of their favourite characters going through the same things. It can be cathartic in its own way.
wintersofgames chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
This story is so beautifully heartbreaking:)
Hooserm chapter 35 . 1/15/2016
Loved it! Write more soon !
Caira1 chapter 35 . 10/28/2015
This story has me ADDICTED - I always want more!
anon chapter 26 . 9/11/2015
I thought she'd told Peeta last chapter that she had never been given flowers. And Gale seriously paid money to a merchant for flowers? when he could have gotten them from the meadow? I think he'd find that too impractical.
anon chapter 24 . 9/11/2015
So Katniss and Gale kissed more times than the three or so we saw? She said they would always kiss in the meadow or the woods, as thought they'd done it alot.
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