Reviews for Battlefield
YukinaBlueRose chapter 15 . 12/1/2019
I am REALLY curious about what happens next!
I really like this story!
PLEASE don't abandon this story!
YukinaBlueRose chapter 12 . 12/1/2019
Um, just wanted to point out that the Grammar error are increasing.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 10 . 11/30/2019
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike the outfits altogether, but the Skirt, the mentioned Dress, and the FOUR INCH HEELS? ! ? ! I mean, really, did you LOOK at a ruler when you picked 4 inch heels? ! He would basically be walking on the very tips of his toes in 4 inch heels! *Waves arms around frantically!*
YukinaBlueRose chapter 9 . 11/30/2019
UGH! Why does everyone keep trying to turn Danny into a GIRL? ! ? ! O:'(
That's what Danni is for! ! ! ! O:'(
YukinaBlueRose chapter 8 . 11/30/2019
Okay, I see what you did. You made Plasmius a lot younger. So it's gone from 'EWWW!' to 'Ew.' It's still 'Ew.' to me, because I don't really like Plasmius, but at least he's not a Pedo.
YukinaBlueRose chapter 3 . 11/30/2019
EW! The very THOUGHT of Danny and VLAD being together is EXTREMELY disturbing! Vlad is around the same age as Maddie and Jack, and Danny is what 13, 14, or 15? That makes Vlad a Pedophile! *SHUDDER!* GROSS!
I am SO GLAD that the Poll had Danny/Robin as the winning Pairing, and I didn't even get to vote, so YAY! O:D
Guest chapter 15 . 1/22/2017
Uwaaaaah...! The plot thickens... But it's kinda annoying how easily Danny gets knocked out and stuff when he has so much power and super healing. Like why doesn't he force through the pain and kick butt? He never gets himself out of the most dangerous situations, even after the hellish grilling he was put through by his Mom! -sigh- Well, besides that, I love everything about this story. (Though I don't understand why they don't know Slade's angle by now, since he's been saying it to his face every time they meet.) It's a really interesting story, and I love the family dynamics and all the little ghost culture details you put into it. I really wish this story wasn't abandoned. It's such a wonderful story. It's such a shame that it probably won't ever continue; unless you let someone adopt it. But I'm just hoping that someday you'll come back to this story and work on it. (Btw, I ship RobinxDanny! Vlad's being too manipulative for my tastes; if I was Danny, I'd be almost completely put off for having a relationship with him when finding out Vlad and Plasmius are one and the same. Going behind his back like that, keeping secrets, manipulating him... It just smacks of betrayal. And that is NOT what a loving relationship needs. And Danny would agree. His Mom and Grandda already agree, lol, what with the comments about not telling who he really is and stuff.)
Guest chapter 14 . 1/22/2017
Bahahahahahahahahahahaha! I absolutely love the moment where BB meows smugly at the jealous Robin and Plasmius when he gets cuddled by Danny in cat form! It's like he's teasing them about how easily he can get what they want. xD It's hilarious!
Rosie dragoneel chapter 15 . 4/25/2016
TTATT please tell me this story wasn't abandoned...
RichardGrayson Robin-Nightwing chapter 1 . 3/4/2015
its a great story are you continuing the story?
Akira Akahoshi chapter 15 . 8/20/2014
HOLY FRIGGING ROMAN EMPIRE! (I literally mean Holy Roman Empire not the Roman Empire that was known have roman mythology, and I use this as a Hetalia reference) I LOVE THIS! PLEASE SAY YOU'RE GONNA UPDATE SOON?! Also who will Danny be with? Personally I ship him with Robin but hey, anyway I hope you update soon! I am in love with this fic!
Hound of Judgement chapter 1 . 6/14/2014
Plz come back to this story! I can't wait for the next chapter!
hi chapter 15 . 5/31/2014
a cliffhanger!and, do more dany/robin!
HI chapter 9 . 5/31/2014
NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! Danny/Robin. Danny/Robin. DANNY/ROBIN! pleeaasse get Robin to ask Danny out!
Hi chapter 3 . 5/31/2014
hello, on top you asked me to vote if danny should end up with vlad or robin. If you mean the robin from teen titans I want robin. I guess you might want some reasons why for me to truly convince you.
1) the are too many danny and vlad fanfictions.
2) I reall don't think danny would ever really fall in love with vlad the evil guy.
3) I don't think any of Danny's parents will approve
Don't get me wrong I got nothing against danny and Vlad, I just really want to see some Danny/Robin
I love you story, continue!
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