Reviews for IGoodbye
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 30 . 9/9/2017
Aw! They're having twins again! And they already have like four kids. I loved thsi sooo much. Seriously I am so happy I chose this story to begin my (kinda, sorta) iCarly reading with. Nice Job! Off to check more of your stories. :)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 27 . 9/9/2017
Aw! Maddie and Beth are becoming big sisters! Can't wait for it. Great chapter. :)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 26 . 9/9/2017
Aw! Sam has grown up so much. She is so sweet and grown up and such a great mother and person. I hope Samantha takes her up and calls her when she needs help. Also, I love how you have nearly everyone having a twin. I can't wait to officially meet Freddie's twin sister and father. Great chapter!:)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 22 . 9/9/2017
I'm so sad about the twins and Sarah. That was heartbreaking to read about. But I am glad that Carly is starting to repair her friendship with Sam and Freddie, and will be earning Beth's trust. I can't wait for the Seddie wedding!
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 18 . 9/9/2017
I seriously got chills when I read about Freddie telling Maddie and Beth that Sam was coming home. I hope the police get Kyle and that he DOES NOT get out this time. Great chapter! I loved it! :)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 13 . 9/9/2017
Oh how fun! Maddie and Beth are going to get to grow up with a little boy and they're going to be so adorable! Nice job on the chapter. :)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 12 . 9/9/2017
Wait, I thought Alyssa was the girl in the doctor's office? Didn't she already have like four kids then? Anyway, I liked this chapter. And I am glad that Sam is being responsible and smart about not accepting Freddie back so soon.
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 11 . 9/9/2017
Oh wow! I hope Freddie works his ass off to make up for what he has done to Beth. I hope Sam does not take him back too easily and I hope Carly gets nowhere near any of them. I enjoyed thsi chapter. :)
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 10 . 9/9/2017
Oh, you're killing me with this. I absolutely hate the way Freddie and Carly treats Elizabeth. She sounds very sweet and adorable and I can't wait to see her and Maddie's reunion. I am loving thsi strong. Seriously, the is the first iCarly story I have ever (EVER) read and I am so glad I chose this one to start with. I'm excited to read more! You have done an awesomely amazing job on thsi so far! :)
Aaron chapter 3 . 5/25/2017
I love it!
rosslynchR5loverforever chapter 3 . 3/10/2014
I knew it! Yay me. And u. Off to an amazing start.
Guest1 chapter 30 . 10/26/2013
The ending was so cute! I wish there were more chapters to this, but I can't wait to read your next story! I love all I your story so much! My favorite story on the whole iCarly Fanfiction archive is your story, "My Princess". I have read that story like three times in a row and I'm going to read a fourth time now! I really wish you would update on that story, maybe give it an ending like this one. It just doesn't seem like it should end the way it ended.
Saphirabrightscale chapter 30 . 10/25/2013
Awwww such a sweet ending.
mebeellie chapter 30 . 10/25/2013
I thought the ending was really good...really sad to see it ending :(... but I hope you'll be starting a new story soon. :D
ladyalex555 chapter 29 . 10/15/2013
This story is so good! :)
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