Reviews for Gold River
Guest chapter 18 . 4/2
Absolutely excellent!
PastOneonta chapter 18 . 1/28
This was very good. I don’t know how I found it - or should I say missed it - because I went on a white collar reading binge years ago and didn’t see it then. I think it is on another writers favorite list.

I enjoyed it. The writing, the original characters, the setting, the characters we know, the threat, the hurt to Neal, all written so well it kept me reading and reading. Moz was perfect in his paranoia and his efforts to appreciate his new life and his drive to protect Neal from Neal. The original characters were all complete characters who thought and acted consistently the way you intended. Peter was great, I knew at some point he would wonder what he was doing but he would keep on going. Nico and Vogt were great. Collins was single minded without regard for anyone and he was easy to dislike.

There were several surprises. I didn’t think of Rob as anything but a gold miner who used Laura. He was a big surprise! Laura surprised me, she was hard to get to know, and Neal,would agree. I greatly appreciated her apology and Neal asking ‘Why?’ And ‘How could you let me die?’ A person would want to know. But she has to live with it.

I suffered for Neal in the cave, with bugs and mud and dark and damp. The rain throughout was enough to make me cringe! So much rain! Houses on stilts and mud mud mud! Neal was amazing. A vision of Kate, a vision of Peter who is mad at him. An antenna, heartbreaking voicemails and a wait to die. He didn’t have much longer to live. I cried when he walked into the White Collar offices and was ready to work.

Amazing and entertaining and very well done. I hope all is well and that you are writing still.
bluejwrtr chapter 18 . 8/11/2017
This story is brilliant! I love how you wrote all the characters, even the OCs. I haven't read any other White Collar fic that gets Neal so spot on.
Leria006 chapter 18 . 5/4/2017
I just found this story and took a couple days to read through, more or less in one go. I think you got everyone from the show down pat. As for the OC's, they were vibrant parts of the story all on their own and enriched the story, they did not detract from it.
OC's are not a bad thing when writing a story, especially a long story like this. When OC's become a problem is when they take over the story. Though I have a fondness for good outsider POV stories that focus on characters in the show.
Anyway, you said you would like reviews even as it got farther from when you posted so here is mine. Thank you for this take on how season 3 and 4 could have been bridged. This story was cleanly written and entertaining.
sblack78 chapter 18 . 8/22/2015
This was an amazing story and I enjoyed it greatly. It was not too long at all, it had a complete beginning, middle and end,,good job!
Iratus chapter 18 . 4/20/2014
At first I wasn't sure I would like this but then the more I read the more I wanted to read. A few errors have made their way through but they are too few to be a distraction. It was good to see Laura have an Achilles heel as too many OC seem too perfect to be believable. I could well see Neal's character being drawn to someone like her with an air of mystery around her and with an ability to challenge him at the things he does best. Neal always was a sucker for a pretty lady on the show. And finally congratulations for completing such an epic piece. It takes a certain amount of dedication and a lot of time to write a long story.
kasinka613 chapter 18 . 11/5/2013
I enjoyed reading this story a lot. Brilliant plot, great characterisation and Peter/Neal/Mozzie dynamic. I could easily imagine this in the show. Your OC characters were also great, usually I don't like OC but Laura and Rob were so good written that it didn't bother me. Amazing story, I think one of the best ff here.
HighOnAWindyHill chapter 18 . 10/11/2013
*claps* *bravo* I can't believe it's over but this fic. was really so fantastic! It was so detailed and descriptive. So vivid and imaginative. I just loved it. It was all so sweet and just really fascinating too. 3 Thank you so much for this terrific story! I look forward to reading more from you in the future. :) Also, really loved the last line. Clever! :D
Guest chapter 18 . 9/16/2013
Thank you so much for this story. Wonderful work, I really enjoyed it. Hope we will read more from you.
aliceann chapter 18 . 9/15/2013
I don't know how I missed your story, but came across it today. I just finished the whole thing. Wow! This was spectacular. I just loved the wonderful plotting, and all the layers and how you unfolded them so exquisitely. I absolutely loved the mythology of the demon and how it tapped so nicely into Neal's psyche. Your Peter, Mozzie and Neal are spot on. I can't say enough good things about this, you having me wanting to play liar's dice:) I hope you continue to share your work here. Looking forward to your next story.
Wondo chapter 18 . 9/14/2013
Perfect ending to a great story. Neal back to work in the WC unit, solving cases with Peter!
I'll be checking for your next story.
curiositykillsthecat chapter 18 . 9/14/2013
Wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.
BlueDiamondStar chapter 18 . 9/14/2013
What else can I say? :) Wonderful story, excellent adventure plotted out, all in my fav genre- Neal!whump.
And what a cute ending!
I totally loved each chapter and the whole story.

Keep up the awesome work :)
ari chapter 18 . 9/14/2013
it was great.
Guest chapter 18 . 9/14/2013
Very good story.
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