Reviews for Hidden in Plain Sight
Child-of-Strength chapter 2 . 8/8
I love this a lot... Like if you ever decide to continue, let me know, I just got into female Ash fics.
Elisha Powell chapter 2 . 5/19
Don't forget the 2 pokemon eggs.
Pinkypi chapter 2 . 4/25
I like that you used different colored shiny's than the one's found in game since it would be definitely obvious in the pokemon world that a pokemon of a different color doesn't mean it's always that same different color they use in game. Here's hoping you do come back though and attend to this story. As a side note. As awesome as it is for Ash to actually catch pokemon and be smart. It's much easier as an author to follow closer to canon Ash in terms of smaller teams with just different pokemon used cuz god damn do you have a fuck ton to juggle around.
Satsuki2015 chapter 2 . 3/9
Loved the plot twist from the beginning, very unique and well executed. Can't wait to see what happens next, though what happend to the basket of eggs that ho-oh gave Ash. I've been wondering about that half way through chapter 2. Either way this is the kind of story that I love and look for when it comes to this genre.
Toby Hark chapter 2 . 6/22/2019
I loved the plot twists... Please continue the story... You are an amazing writer!
AshK1980 chapter 2 . 1/14/2018
Awesome chapter! I really like how detailed this chapter was. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to your next update whenever that may be! Great story so far!

~Cure Leo AKA AshK1980
AshK1980 chapter 1 . 1/14/2018
Great work on this story. I like this twist on the Pokemon Genre! I'm off to read the next chapter!
AnimeFreak71777 chapter 2 . 5/9/2017
Eevee.1332 chapter 2 . 4/10/2017
I loved all the details in it in just two chapters I've never seen her like this I person all the details you put in the description of the description of the training it's really good I hope you continue the story
multyfangirl21 chapter 2 . 3/5/2017
I loved the fact of how long the chapters were, but you can do shorter ones to update sooner. I'll be waiting for your next chapter with anticipation.
multyfangirl21 chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
WAIT! What? There's two team Rockets ?! 0_0 , welp that took a turn for the strange and easy to remember out of the 2 dozen or so pokemon fanfics that I'm reading. It's a bit weird to wrap my head around but I think I'll like this good version of Jessie , James and Meowth.
Please update soon-ish , like perhaps during the summer.
HoldTightAndPretendItIsAPlan chapter 2 . 12/7/2016
Abandoned? Or still going?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2016
did you just make Ash a girl ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Rey129 chapter 2 . 7/14/2016
The story is pretty good so far, though I would recommend maybe breaking your chapters up into smaller pieces. There are several areas in both of your chapters that felt like seperate chapters. That, and it would help you update more regularly, which in turn would get you more feedback and help your readers not forget what happened previously in your story. Another thing is general grammar and spelling mistakes. For example, one thing that really stuck out to me was the over usage of the ownership version of their instead of the contraction they're or the more general use there. A lot of these errors can easily be caught with a reread or two, after a while away from the story. Again, I love your story, and your theory about shiny' makes complete sense. My biggest suggestion is that you break up your chapters into smaller chunks, normally when there's a time skip of more than a few hours. I cannot wait to see where Ash ends up, and if Brock will try to hit on her, if he joins the party. Good luck, and I hope to hear from you in the future.
ShotaroxPhillip chapter 2 . 5/26/2016
it was awesome for the long wait... though I do have questions...
1) will there be kalos and mega stones?
2) will ash eventually forgive her father?
3) will ash capture all of the legendary pokemon so that they can do their jobs w/o risking capture?
4) will sir Aaron's lucario travel with ash and friends?
5) will ash become an aura guardian?
6) ash will not capture all the pokemon she passes?
7) will brock teach ash how to be a breeder so that would help her become a better professor?
8) will all of the events that happen in the anime... will they happen in this story?
9) will the other travels partners in the anime... will they travel with ash?
10) will brock and misty be with ash all the way though the story? that question is asking are they going to be with ash in all of the regions.
11) will misty and brock learn aura so that they can speak with their pokemon?
12) are you going to be doing the pokemon movies?
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