Reviews for Hold On Hope
Maria Luisa Illarnizzi chapter 31 . 12/12/2018
Beautiful story. Love it so much.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/21/2018
As a lawyer he got court in the middle of a case and got shot but as a cop or agent he will be at a 95% higher risk of getting shot and kensi WANTs him back at ncis even tho they have a kid so kensi doesn't care bout her kid much if she so badly wants deeks in a job where he can get shot and killed at any minute so that kid can not just lose her if she gets shot but risk of losing his other parent too.

Sorry but at this point deeks clearly left for a reason and now his got a child to think about he might miss the hype of being with ncis but i bet he don't miss wondering if his gonna make it back home (now to his kid) tonight
Guest chapter 1 . 3/21/2018
So deeks has an amazing job helping kids and parents get away from abusers and what kensi just wants him to work For her now cause we all know she will pull "im the boss" at somepoint cause her character is a control freak who has to have everything her way or no way
xtinochka chapter 31 . 11/5/2017
What an amazing story! The whole trilogy is perfect. I hope to read something new in the future. You're a very talented story teller.
anonkp chapter 31 . 1/11/2017
Great story! You're such a talented writer.
anonkp chapter 30 . 1/10/2017
Awwww. Love it!
anonkp chapter 28 . 1/8/2017
Nice! I have to say that your killing Marina has upped the suspense here since now I know you're capable of killing your OC's. I worry for Liam and David.
anonkp chapter 27 . 1/8/2017
I just knew Liam's words were a sign of trouble. Great chapter full of emotion. So glad Kensi was able to bring so much of Marina back with Katya.
anonkp chapter 26 . 1/8/2017
Ooh, so much angst. Impressive. I spent much of this chapter thinking about how impressive all your original characters are, and how they easily hold their own with ones from the show. And how happy I was that Marina was going to go to the US. And then you did a horrible thing! So sad. And so well written.
anonkp chapter 23 . 1/7/2017
Nice job describing all the emotions on the lead up to a seemingly impossible mission.
anonkp chapter 17 . 1/1/2017
Nice job describing Deeks' emotions as he interrogated the bad guy. And a nice touch having Kyle encourage both Deeks and Kensi to go to Russia- that will no doubt make their departure feel less painful.
anonkp chapter 15 . 12/30/2016
What a happy surprise to see Sam. His brief exchange with the team brought tears to my eyes. Beautifully written.
anonkp chapter 9 . 12/28/2016
anonkp chapter 7 . 12/27/2016
Yay I''m glad Deeks and Hailey are OK. You've made me care a great deal about her. And this Liam is plenty intriguing (and attractive).

And double yay Deeks is going to work at NCIS. I've missed him so much on all the casework so far. That won't be awkward at all, right? ;-)
anonkp chapter 6 . 12/27/2016
Oh I hate it when they fight! I hope they make up soon!
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